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K9JM CI-V User Manual page 9

K9jm ci-v router an intelligent ci-v interface for icom pw-1 amplifiers


On a virgin Arduino board or any completed system shipped, the configuration will be in the
default state. The baud rate for the CI-V ports is 9600 and 38400 for the USB 'computer'. To
confirm or change these parameters, the following proceedure can be followed.
Configuring the CI-V Router is done by
restarting or resetting the Arduino Mega
board with Pin 53 connected to ground.
At start time, it checks to see if pin 53 is
grounded. If it is, a small program is run
within the router where the user interacts
with a serial terminal program and it
permits the user to configures the
EEPROM that is internal to the Atlmel
microprocessor. Parameters can be
changed at will at any time using this
method. What can be established is the
baud rates for the CI-V bus as well as the
baud rate for the computer interface, and
the "transceive" function. Described
stration 1: Jumper pin 53 to ground
later. To operate as a router, the board
must be restarted with pin 51 NOT
grounded, leaving it unconnected is fine.
The board may be restarted by removing
all power from the unit, including USB,
or by hitting the 'reset' button on the back center of the Arduino Mega board.
Note: The full unit ships with a jumper assembly that is plugged between the two ground pins. To
jumper pin 53 to ground, simply unplug the jumper and rotate it 90 degrees, so that it shorts pin 53
to ground. When done, be sure to store the jumper in the same location as it was shipped.
Resetting or starting the Arduino with pin 53 connected to ground will run the configuration
program. This program changes the content of an EEPROM and it saves the changes after each
entry has been made.
If you already have and know how to use your favorite serial terminal program, use it. If you do not
have a favorite serial terminal program, might I suggest PuTTY.
There is a version of PuTTY that runs on almost every operating system. It is free and very useful
and can be downloaded from:
There are many options here, for windows it is best use the "Windows installer for everything
except PuTTYtel" option.
You will want to configure the serial program for a baud rate of 115200 8 bits 2 stop no parity no
flow control.
In PuTTY select the 'Serial' radio button, the COM port on 'Serial line' and 'Speed' is set to 115200
and hit 'Open'
Note: The Saved Session are saved session on my computer, once you have a
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