Solo Mode; Adjusting Pedalpro's Effects On-The-Fly; Adjusting Parameters On-The-Fly - Vintage Revolution Pedalino Owner's Manual

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The long dash (
) sign between the preset number and the preset name indi-
cates that the preset is ready to be loaded, but has not yet been loaded.
Press the LOAD pad [15] to load the preset (remember: the LOAD/SOLO
pad operates only at LEVEL 1 – with the corresponding one LED [7]).
The display will now look like this:
016 Ø RockDist
The arrow sign (
) between the preset number and the preset name indi-
cates that the preset has now been loaded onto your PedalPro and is ready
to be played.


Introducing the SOLO Mode
Pedalino brings you exclusive access to another great feature of your Pedal-
Pro* – the SOLO Mode.
The SOLO Mode will be available in a future firmware expansion pack for
your Pedalino and will allow users to activate and deactivate one or more
effects defined in the preset being played. The SOLO Mode will turn your
Pedalino into a clean, smart, "virtual pedalboard".
By selecting among a list of virtual pedalboard styles via a parameter ac-
cessible in the PedalPro, the SOLO Mode enables the Pedalino to activate/
bypass each single effect each single effect included in the preset you are
You are then able to save a different virtual pedalboard for each preset,
bringing you an unprecedented level of control and flexibility.
* Optional Pedalino firmware expansion pack required. Available soon.


Pedalino allows you to change several key parameters of your PedalPro's
effects direct from the Pedalino. This enables you to fine-tune and adjust your
sound on-the-fly when performing live, to match the type of gig or venue you
are playing, without having to disconnect your PedalPro.
The following parameters are directly accessible:
1 - OutLevls
- Output levels of the right and left channels
2 - DistLvl
- Distortion level
3 - DistTone
- Distortion tone
4 - Boost_Gn
- Preamp boost gain
5 - CompSens
- Compressor sensitivity
6 - Comp_Out
- Compressor output
7 - FS_Tempo
- Stereo filter tempo, with both filters in Auto mode
8 - DelyTime
- Delay time
9 - DelyFbak
- Delay feedback
These parameters can be adjusted in real-time. Any change can be imme-
diately stored within the preset and will be available next time you load that
preset (see section below: Protecting PedalPro's presets).
You cannot modify PedalPro's effect chain from your Pedalino.

8.4.1 Adjusting parameters on-the-fly

To adjust one of the parameters listed above, press the SET key [11] while
the Pedalino is in browse mode and the
PedalPro is active. The display will now look like this:
008 Ø CryBabyWdÖ
You now have access to the output levels – the global output volume of the
left and right channels of your PedalPro. The current value of the output lev-
How to Use Your Pedalino
ADES connection
with your
05 . 1
Rev. 1.1 - EN EU - fw 4.10


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