Introduction - Hobart JET-EX 4 Operation And Maintenance Manual

Generator sets
Table of Contents



This manual contains operation and service information for 28.5 V DC Generator sets identified as Jet Ex
4. These units are available as stationary, skidmounted units, or they may be trailer-mounted for portabil-
ity. Both versions are available with 14 V DC output capability.
Most information in the manual applies to the 28.5 V Jet Ex in general. Information which applies to op-
tions and special equipment is identified as such.
The primary purpose of the manual is to provide information and instructions to experienced operators,
electricians, and mechanics who are not familiar with this equipment. The intent of the manual is to guide
and assist operators and maintenance personnel in the proper use and care of the equipment.
Read the instructions before starting the unit. Learn to use the manual and to locate information contained
in it.
The Table of Contents, which follows this Introduction, lists all Chapters, Sections, and the paragraph ti-
tles within each Section. The location of each listing is identified by Chapter, Section and page number. A
complete list of illustrations, with their locations, follows the Table of Contents.
Each Chapter is divided into as many Sections as necessary. Sections are always referred to by a combi-
nation Chapter/Section number, for example: 2-3 refers to Chapter 2, Section 3.
The material within each Section is divided into main subjects with applicable paragraph headings and
subheadings as required. For example, a portion of the Description Section might logically follow this ar-
rangement and paragraphing:
1. Control
A. Interior Panel
(1) Protective devices
(a) Overload relay
(2) Contactors
Page numbers do not run consecutively throughout the manual. Each page is identifed by the Chap-
ter/Section number in which it appears, and by a page number within the Chapter/Section . Therefore, the
first page in each Section is page 1. These identifying numbers appear in the lower, outside corner of
each page. Each page also bears a date located in the corner opposite the page number. This date is
either that of original issue, or of the latest revision. Any revision to the original text is identified by a heavy
black line in the left-hand margin. Illustrations follow a numbering system similar to page numbering. The
first Figure in each Section is Figure 1.
All tables, charts and diagrams, as well as illustrations, are identified by Figure numbers to avoid confu-
The general location of any particular information can be found quickly by running through the Table of
Contents. For example: to locate any adjustment information, a quick look at the Table of Contents shows
that "Adjustment/ Test" is located in Chapter 2, Section 3, (shown as 2-3).
May 20/89
Page 1

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