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At the end of a recording the BBR will have to do some housekeeping such as
writing file headers to the disk to keep it in prime condition. The DISK LED
and STOP button will flash until the BBR has finished writing to the disk.
Please wait until it has finished before starting the next operation. It's
particularly important that the files have been closed before you unplug
the USB disk drive.
However, there are a few things that might need your attention. The BBR
normally remembers its settings in Flash RAM internally so you should only
have to set these things up once.
You might want to record at a different sample rate or bit depth to that
which the BBR is currently set at (page 24)
The unit may be set up to only record certain tracks and you may want
to record on more (or less) tracks (page 21)
You may want to timestamp the recording against timecode (page 24)
or to set up the unit to use an external audio clock (page 23)
All these items can be controlled from the menu which is described later in
this manual.


Normally, the last recording made will be immediately available for playback.
Just press the PLAY button and it will flash while it loads the files into its
memory buffers before entering play.
However the BBR may be set to "PLAYBACK
LOCKOUT" indicated by the LED in the
Metering area of the front panel in which
case the play button will have no effect.
"PLAYBACK LOCKOUT" is a safety feature
that prevents the engineer from
accidentally starting to playback recorded material during the middle of the
concert! This can cause severe embarrassment and could be a career limiting
move for the sound engineer.
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