2.1 Fixing the cabinet to the wall
Fix the cabinet to the wall at an approximate height of 1.5 metres from the floor, in a
place with easy access. The zone module LED display should be at eye-level.
The cabinet must be installed in a clean, dry place free from vibrations with a temperature
between 0 and 60º C. The relative humidity must not exceed 95%. There should be no
condensation. The place of installation should be protected by the CO detection system.
Risk of mechanical damage must be avoided.
Create the cable holes you require in the metal cabinet before fixing it to the wall. Do not
perforate the panel in places other than those indicated. Avoid dropping shavings or
pieces of removed casing inside the cabinet. PG11-type cable adapters may be used.
2.2 Connections
There is a three-terminal connector shared by all the zone modules for connecting the
mains 230 VAC and earth cables. The mains fuse is incorporated into the connector (see
Figure 3: Mains connection).
In addition each zone module has a nine-terminal connector:
Figure 1: Zone module connector
KM260 Series Carbon Monoxide Detection System
2 I
Three zone line terminals: positive, negative and data. See Figure 2: Line connection.
Three terminals for the ventilation output relay (EXTR. 1): common (C), normally
open (NO), normally closed (NC)..
Three terminals for the alarm output relay: common (C), normally open (NO),
normally closed (NC).