General Cleaning Techniques & Storage - Hotsy 965SS Operating And Parts Manual

Pressure washer
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Pre-rinse clean ing surface with fresh water. Place de ter -
gent suc tion tube di rect ly into clean ing so lu tion and ap ply
to sur face at low pressure (for best re sults, limit your work
area to sections ap prox i mate ly 6 feet square and al ways
ap ply de ter gent from bottom to top). Allow de ter gent to
re main on sur face 1-3 min utes. Do not al low de ter gent
to dry on sur face. If sur face appears to be drying, sim ply
wet down sur face with fresh water. If need ed, use brush
to re move stub born dirt. Rinse at high pres sure from top
to bottom in an even sweeping mo tion keep ing the spray
nozzle ap prox i mate ly 1 foot from cleaning sur face. Use
over lap ping strokes as you clean and rinse any sur face.
For best surface clean ing action spray at a slight an gle.
Before cleaning any surface, an inconspicuous
area should be cleaned to test spray pattern and
dis tance for maximum cleaning results.
• If painted surfaces are peeling or chipping, use
ex treme caution as pressure washer may re move
the loose paint from the surface.
• Keep the spray nozzle a safe distance from the
sur face you plan to clean. High pressure wash a
small area, then check the surface for damage. If no
dam age is found, continue to pressure wash ing.
CAUTION - Never use:
• Bleach, chlorine products and other corrosive
chem i cals
• Liquids containing solvents (i.e., paint thinner,
gas o line, oils)
• Tri-sodium phosphate products
• Ammonia products
• Acid-based products
These chemicals will harm the machine and will dam age
the surface being cleaned.
It will take a few sec onds for the de ter gent to clear.
Apply safe ty latch to spray gun. Select and in stall de-
sired high pres sure noz zle. NOTE: You can also stop
de ter gent from fl ow ing by removing de ter gent si phon
tube from bottle.
DANGER: DO NOT store fl am ma ble liquids (gas o line,
die sel fuel, sol vents, etc.) near pressure wash er, or in
non-ven ti lat ed ar eas.
Protect from freezing by storing in a heated area, or by
fl ush ing the system with antifreeze (use an au to mo tive
engine antifreeze or windshield washer sol vent to
an ti freeze). To flush the system with an ti freeze, the
following steps are to be followed:
1. Connect water supply hose to the garden hose con-
nector located on the pump. Turn on water sup ply.
2. Place the detergent inlet line into a container of
HOTSY 965SS-1075SS • 8.914-401.0 • Rev. 09/11
3. Hold wand fi rmly, release trigger of trigger gun.
4. Start engine. Place throttle lever in Full Throttle
po si tion.
5. Squeeze trig ger of trig ger gun and al low wa ter to
fl ow from the end of the wand. Watch for antifreeze
to be drawn through the detergent inlet line. Allow
the an ti freeze to be drawn into the system for 5 to
10 sec onds.
6. Release the trigger of the trigger gun and stop
7. Turn off water supply and disconnect water supply
hose from the pump.
8. Attach a short length of hose (approximately 3 feet
long) to the garden hose connector located on the
pump. Install a funnel in the other end of the hose as
Garden Hose Connector
Figure 8 - Winterizing
shown in Figure 8.
9. Hold wand fi rmly, release the trigger of the trigger
10. Start engine. Place throttle lever in the idle position.
11. Squeeze trigger on trigger gun.
12. Slowly pour antifreeze into the funnel. Continue to
add antifreeze until antifreeze fl ows from the end of
the wand.
13. Squeeze and re lease the trigger of the trigger gun
several times to antifreeze the unloader sys tem.
14. Release the trigger of the trigger gun. Stop engine.
15. Squeeze the trigger of the trigger gun to relieve sys tem
For added protection, after anti freezing, disconnect the
pres sure hose from the machine and remove the coil drain
plug (refer to Component Identifi cation for location.)
After coil has drained, re place pressure hose and coil
drain plug. If the pressure wash er is not to be used for
an extended length of time, it is recommended that the
system be fl ushed with an ti freeze for rust protection.
Refer to the Gasoline Engine Manual for engine stor age


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