Powerware PowerRite XT User Manual page 7

400 va, and 600 va
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Register your warranty on line at www.powerware.com.au within 30 days
Five-Year Pro-Rated Warranty and $50,000 Load Protection Guarantee
The warranties and guaranties below, together with Powerware's Two-Year Limited Warranty, are exclu-
sive and in lieu of all other express and implied warranties whatsoever, including but not limited to
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for particular purpose.
Powerware shall not be subject to any disclaims: 1) Any other obligations or liabilities arising out of
breach of contract or of warranty, 2) Any obligations whatsoever arising from tort claims (including neg-
ligence and strict liability) or arising under other theories of law with respect to products sold by
Powerware, or any undertakings, acts or omissions relating thereto, and 3) All consequential, incidental,
and contingent damages whatsoever.
Applies only to original purchasers for end use in Australia &New Zealand who file the
Warranty Registration Card on line within 30 days of purchase.
In addition to its standard Two-Year Limited Warranty and $50,000 Computer/Load Protection Guarantee
below, Powerware further warrants its UPS will have a service life of five years from the date of ship-
ment from Powerware's factory when used in accordance with the storage, handling, installation, opera-
tion, and
maintenance procedures prescribed in the following section of this warranty and in the Operator's
Manual. "Service life" means the UPS' ability to deliver at least 80% of it original rated backup time.
If Powerware finds that any UPS has not provided the five-year warranted service life, Powerware will,
as its sole obligation and the user's sole remedy for breach of this warranty, repair or replace the unit, at
its option, F.O.B. Powerware Corporation's factory, for a charge pro-rated on the following basis. The
user will be allowed a credit against the list price of equivalent equipment at the time of return to
Powerware, in proportion to the percentage of the warranted service life remaining at the time of return
to Powerware Corporation. (In calculating the available credit, the remaining warranted service life will
be rounded up or down to the nearest whole year.) The user will be responsible to pay the balance of the
list price of equivalent equipment; and Powerware reserves the right to require payment prior to delivery
of the repaired or replacement equipment.
Powerware's complete warranty responsibilities are therefore summarized as follows:
Years 1-2
Unit Repaired or Replaced Free of Charge
Years 3-5
Credit ($) = Current List Price
and receive the
Absolutely FREE!
Extended Five-Year Pro-Rated Warranty and
Computer/Load Protection Guarantee
Years of Unexpired Life
5 Years of Warranted Life


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