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Specifications - Pyle PRJ3D89 User Manual

Prj3d89 manual 1


Section 1
Set up.................................................... 4
Section 2
Connecting Devices................................. 5
Section 3
Remote Control Operation........................ 6
Turning on the Projector............................ 7
Section 1
Turning off the Projector............................ 8
Section 2
Adjusting the Picture of the Projector........... 8
Section 3
Adjusting the Quality of the Picture ............. 8
Section 4
Input Menu ............................................ 9
Section 1
Contrast Ratio ......................................... 9
Section 2
Section 3
Brightness .............................................. 10
Section 4
Color ..................................................... 10
Section 5
Tint ........................
Section 6
Sharpness .............................................. 11
Section 7
Language ...............................................11
Section 8
Transparence .......................................... 11
Section 9
Vertical / Horizontal flip............................. 11
Section 10
Default Settings............... ........................ 12
Section 11
VGA Input Adjusting .................................. 12
Section 12
Section 1
Troubleshooting ....................................... 13
Section 2
Maintenance............................................. 15

Specifications .......................................... 17

Section 3
.......................... 10

