Oce fx2081 User Manual
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Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Oce fx2081

  • Page 2: Safety Information

    Printer and Scanner Driver Manual [PDF] This manual explains the installation and operation of the PCL print driver and TWAIN scan driver. This PDF manual is included on the Océ sx1481/fx2081 PCL Printer Driver CD. Customer support To order supplies: Call the Océ...
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Contents How to read ths manual......................v Symbols ..........................v Key descrptons ......................... v Chapter 1 Getting Started ...........................1-1 Machne overvew ......................... 1-2 Sendng / Recevng faxes and e-mals ................1-2 Network prntng ......................1-2 Browser-based Machne Set-up / Customzaton ............1-3 Bulletn board ........................
  • Page 4 Usng Oce InfoMontor ....................5-7 Oce Document Download Manager ..................5-8 Envronment settngs ...................... 5-8 Usng Oce Download Document Manager ..............5-13 Oce Scan to Prnt Montor ....................5-17 Envronment settngs ....................5-17 Usng the Scan to Prnter functon ................5-20...
  • Page 5 Chapter 6 Troubleshooting ..........................6-1 Wndows Operaton errors ....................6-2 Prntng errors ........................6-7 Oce InfoMontor errors ......................6-9 Oce Document Download Manager errors ................ 6-10 For Internet Explorer 7 users .................... 6-11 Creatng a shared folder ....................6-12 Index .............................. I-1...
  • Page 6 Trademarks The Océ logo and all Océ product names contaned here n are trademark of Océ N.V. Mcrosoft , the Wndows logo, Wndows , Wndows NT , Wndows Server , Wndows ® ® ® ® Vsta™, Internet Explorer are ether regstered trademarks or trademarks of the ®...
  • Page 7: How To Read This Manual

    How to read this manual Symbols In ths manual, the followng symbols are used wth the tems where mportant operatonal and safety nformaton must be observed. For safe operaton, please carefully read the “Safety Informaton” suppled wth ths product. Descrbes warnngs to protect yourself and others from serous or potentally fatal njury f you handle the machne ncorrectly.
  • Page 8 About symbol symbols ndcate the drecton of the document. When the document has a length longer than ts wdth, we use symbol Width Length Length Width When the document has a length shorter than ts wdth, we use symbol Width Length Length Width...
  • Page 9: MachNe OvervEw

    Chapter Gettng Started Machne overvew ..................1-2 Sendng / Recevng faxes and e-mals ...........1-2 Network prntng ................1-2 Browser-based Machne Set-up / Customzaton ......1-3 Bulletn board .................1-3 Connectng the LAN cable ..............1-4 TCP/IP settngs ..................1-5 Openng the TCP/IP settng menu dsplay ........1-5 DHCP settng ..................1-7 IP Address ..................1-8 Subnet Mask ...................1-9...
  • Page 10: Network PrNtNg

    Machine overview Sending / Receiving faxes and e-mails Usng OfficeDrector, you not only can send a document from your software applca- ton to a remote fax machne or e-mal locaton, but also read documents that have been routed to your computer. Ths process allows you to save tme and reduce the paper consumpton n your office.
  • Page 11: Browser-Based MachNe Set-Up / CustomZatOn

    Browser-based Machine Set-up / Customization Usng OfficeDrector, you do not need to be at the machne n order to regster set- tngs or check job status. The setup, checkng / cancelng the job, address book reg- straton, and other settngs lke network or e-mal setup may be done from the web browser.
  • Page 12: Connecting The Lan Cable

    Connecting the LAN cable In order to use the network features you must connect your machne to your LAN and adjust the approprate settngs. To connect the machne to your LAN, a 10BASE-T or 100BASE-TX LAN cable (Cat- egory 5) s requred. NOTE The LAN cable s not ncluded wth ths product.
  • Page 13: Tcp/Ip SettNgs

    TCP/IP settings Ths machne uses TCP/IP protocol to communcate over the LAN, meanng the TCP/IP settngs descrbed n ths gude must be regstered pror to usng the machne on the LAN. NOTE For more nformaton, see “Network settngs” n Chapter 9, “Machne Settngs” n the MFP User’s Guide.
  • Page 14 NOTE If the network settngs code (see “Network Settng Codes” on page 4-57) has been set, you must enter the proper four-dgt passcode usng the numerc keys and press [Enter]. Press [TCP/IP Settngs]. The TCP/IP settng menu appears. Regster these settngs. (See pages 1-7 to 1-9.) After you have regstered the network settngs, please reboot the machne.
  • Page 15: Dhcp Setting

    DHCP setting If a DHCP (Dynamc Host Configuraton Protocol) server s nstalled on your net- work, the machne wll automatcally be assgned an IP address and Subnet Mask the first tme the machne s turned on. Accordng to the DHCP server settng, a Gateway address and DNS server address may be assgned as well.
  • Page 16: Ip Address

    IP Address Assgnng an IP address to your machne enables network communcaton and machne access va your web browser. NOTE If your server s DHCP complant, the IP address wll be assgned automatcally and t cannot be edted. If the DHCP server s not nstalled on your network, you can assgn an IP address manually as descrbed below.
  • Page 17: Subnet Mask

    Subnet Mask The Subnet Mask specfies the IP address range of the subnet. NOTE If your server s DHCP complant, the subnet mask wll be assgned automatcally and t cannot be edted. If the DHCP server s not nstalled on your network, you can assgn a Subnet mask manually as descrbed below.
  • Page 18: InstallNg OfficedRector

    Ths drver allows you to download an mported mage n an OfficeDrector scan box by usng a TWAIN-complant applcaton. For more on how to use the “Oce TWAIN Connector,” see “Download the scanned mage usng a TWAIN-complant software” on page 2-32.
  • Page 19: Utility Programs

    n the machne and prnt t n other prnter) s used. For more detals on how to use ths functon, see “Oce Scan to Prnt Montor” on page 5-17, and “Scan to prnter” n Chapter 6 “Scanner Functons” n the MFP User’s Guide.
  • Page 20: System Requirements

    System requirements Item Requrements Computer IBM’s PC-AT compatble machne loaded wth one of the followng operatng systems. Operatng System • Wndows Vsta Ultmate • Wndows Vsta Ultmate 64-bt edton • Wndows Vsta Enterprse • Wndows Vsta Enterprse 64-bt edton • Wndows Vsta Busness •...
  • Page 21: Installing The Driver

    nstall the PCL prnt drver. For PCL prnt drver nstallaton nstructons, see “PCL prnt drver/TWAIN scanner drver manual” located on the Océ sx1481/ fx2081 PCL Printer Driver CD. To install the driver Insert the Océ fx2081 OfficeDirector CD nto the CD-ROM drve on your com- puter. NOTE For Wndows Vsta users: (1) If the “AutoPlay”...
  • Page 22: InstallNg OfficedRector

    Clck [Next]. If you want to nstall the drver nto another locaton, clck [Browse] and located the preferred file locaton. Select the utltes and drvers you want to nstall. If you press the plus button, all the utltes and drvers wll be dsplayed. If you do not want to nstall a partcular program, smply uncheck the corre- spondng checkbox.
  • Page 23 NOTE Even f you do not know the machne’s IP address, you can find t by followng these steps. (1) Clck [Search]. The setup program wll search for the IP address of the devces on the network. After a few moments, any Océ machnes on the network wll be dsplayed. In Wndows Vsta and Wndows XP Servce Pack 2, “Wndows Securty Alert”...
  • Page 24 Select whch program shortcuts you want to create on your computer’s desktop. If you do not want to create a partcular shortcut, smply uncheck the corre- spondng checkbox. Clck [Next]. Select whch programs to add to the Startup group. When programs are added to the startup group, they wll be launched auto- matcally when the computer s turned on.
  • Page 25 The settngs that were prevously entered wll be dsplayed. If you would lke to change any of these, clck [Back] to go back and modfy the prevous settngs. Clck [Next]. When nstallaton s complete, the completon wzard wll appear. Select “Yes, I want to restart my computer now.” and clck [Fnsh]. See Chapter 5 “Usng the Utlty Programs”...
  • Page 26: For Windows Vista

    For Windows Vista, Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 users On Wndows Vsta, Wndows XP Servce Pack 2 or Wndows Server 2003, the “Wn- dows Securty Alert” dalog wll be dsplayed when programs such as InfoMontor and Scan to Prnt Montor or drvers such as TWAIN Connector ntally start. (Wndows Vsta) (Wndows XP SP2) In this case, click [Unblock]...
  • Page 27 For Windows XP / Windows Server 2003 Clck “Control Panel” from the Start Menu. The “Control Panel” screen appears. Double-clck “Wndows Frewall”. The “Wndows Frewall” dalog appears. Clck the “Exceptons” tab. The lst of programs or drvers appears. Wndows Frewall wll be blockng com- muncatons for the programs or drvers that have unchecked boxes.
  • Page 28 This page intentionally left blank. 1-20 nStaLLinG ffice irector...
  • Page 29: SecurTy PrNtNg

    Chapter Usng OfficeDrector Prntng documents from a computer ...........2-2 Installng the drver ................2-2 Prntng a document ...............2-2 Securty Prntng ................2-3 Sendng a fax from a computer (PC-Fax) ..........2-5 Installng the drver ................2-5 Performng a PC-Fax ..............2-5 Usng OfficeDrector functons ..............2-8 OfficeDrector overvew ..............2-8 OfficeDrector logn / logout ............2-11 PC-Fax transmsson and recepton ..........2-13...
  • Page 30: InstallNg The DrVer

    In order to use your machne as a network prnter, you should have the applcable prnt drver nstalled on a computer. The drver s located on the Océ fx2081 Offi- ceDirector CD suppled wth your machne. See “Installng OfficeDrector” on page 1-10 for nstallaton nstructons.
  • Page 31: Security Printing

    Start the desred software applcaton and create or open a document. Clck “Prnt” or “Prnt Setup” from the Fle menu. Make sure that “Oce fx2081 GDI” s selected as the prnter. Clck [Propertes] or [Setup] to open the prnter property.
  • Page 32 Clck [OK] or [Prnt] to start the prnt job. When you are not logged n, the “Securty Prnt” dalog wll appear. “Securty Prnt” dalog wll appear. When you are logged n, a dalog to confirm your user name wll appear. Select your user name and enter your password, and clck [OK].
  • Page 33: InstallNg The DrVer

    nstructons. Performing a PC-Fax After the Océ fx2081 Fax Drver s nstalled on your computer, you can send a docu- ment drectly from your computer to a remote fax machne or e-mal nbox. The followng steps provde the basc procedure for PC-Fax.
  • Page 34 The �Fax Trans�ission �ettings�� dialog �ill appear. �Fax Trans�ission �ettings�� dialog �ill appear. Specfy the destnaton(s) and adjust any settngs. • To enter destnatons, see “Enterng destnatons” on page 2-14. • To adjust settngs, see “Settng transmsson functons” on page 2-20. Clck [Send].
  • Page 35: Output Size

    [OK] Clck ths button to ext the “Prntng Preferences” dalog box and apply all settngs you adjusted. [Cancel] Clck ths button to ext the “Prntng Preferences” dalog box wthout applyng any changes. [Help] Clck ths button to dsplay the help wndow. [Default] Clck ths button to restore all of the settngs on the currently dsplayed tab to ther ntal defaults.
  • Page 36: Chapter 2 Using Officedirector

    Using OfficeDirector functions OfficeDirector overview Screens Screens Scan The mages scanned from the machne usng “Scan to user” wll arrve here. Personal Outbox The mages you have sent usng OfficeDrector wll be lsted here. Personal Inbox The forwarded or dstrbuted files to the user wll be lsted here. Public Inbox The forwarded files wll be lsted here.
  • Page 37 Status Buttons Status Items Descrptons User Name The user who s currently logged n wll be dsplayed. Remanng Dsk Space Ths dsplays the amount of free memory remanng wthn OfficeDrector. If there s not enough memory, you may not be able to scan documents wth large contents or receve documents.
  • Page 38: BulletN Board

    Buttons Descrptons Selectng a file and clckng ths button wll send the selected file to other fax numbers, e-mal addresses or OfficeDrector users. See “Sendng document from an OfficeDrector lst” on Send page 2-13 for detals. Selectng a file and clckng ths button wll prnt the selected file.
  • Page 39 OfficeDirector login / logout NOTE In order to gan OfficeDrector access, you must be a regstered OfficeDrector user. Contact your System Admnstrator f necessary. Logging in to OfficeDirector Enter your machne’s IP address nto the URL address field on your browser (for example,
  • Page 40 Enter your password. If you have not setup a password, skp to step 4. Clck [Logn]. NOTE The lst contanng an unread document wll be dsplayed. When all the documents are read, the lst you set as “Default Settng” n “User Set-up” wll be dsplayed. (See page 3-3.) Logging out of OfficeDirector Clck [Log Out].
  • Page 41 PC-Fax transmission and reception Here we explan how to send or forward documents from the OfficeDrector lst. When you set up the “Forward Settngs” or “Receved Fax Forwardng”, you can receve faxes and e-mals n the Publc Inbox or n the Personal Inbox. Sending documents from an OfficeDirector list Start OfficeDrector and logn.
  • Page 42: Entering Destinations

    To revew or cancel the selected documents, see “Revewng or cancelng dest- natons” on page 2-19. NOTE When you have nstalled and set up the “Oce InfoMontor” on your computer, you can be notfied of the transmsson status automatcally. See page 5-3, how to set t Entering destinations Entering the destinations directly Enter the fax number n the “Fax Destnaton”...
  • Page 43 Entering the destinations using the Address Book Clck [Address book] ether n “Fax Destnaton” or n “E-mal Destnaton”. NOTE Destnatons must be regstered n advance. For detals on regsterng or edtng destnatons, see “Address Book” on pages 3-5 to 3-11. Select the desred destnatons.
  • Page 44: Index

    Descrptons Clck “Personal Address Book (XX)” or “Shared Address Book (XX)” to dsplay the regstered addresses. The numbers n parenthess ndcate how many addresses have been regstered. • Sort by Name The regstered addresses are dsplayed n alphabetcal order. • Sort by Number The regstered addresses are dsplayed n the address book number order.
  • Page 45: Searching For A Destination

    Searching for a destination NOTE In order to search an LDAP server, the server must be regstered n advance. Con- tact your system admnstrator. For more nformaton on server set up, see “LDAP Settngs” on page 4-42. When the “Address Book” screen appears (see page 2-15), clck [Search]. Enter the search nformaton.
  • Page 46 Clck [Search]. The login dialog �ill appear. Enter your Account and Password to logn to the LDAP server and clck [Search]. NOTE The “Search Logn” dalog can be skpped, when you regster the nformaton to the “User Set-up” dalog n advance. Or you can also skp ths dalog by settng up “LDAP Server Settngs”...
  • Page 47 Reviewing or canceling destinations You can revew, cancel or change the destnatons. NOTE Ths functon s only avalable pror to sendng the documents. Clck [Address book] ether n “Fax Destnaton” or n “E-mal Destnaton”. Revew the entered destnatons n the lower area of the screen. Clck [FAX] and [I-FAX] to swtch the screen between fax destnatons and e-mal destna- tons.
  • Page 48: Setting Transmission Functions

    Setting transmission functions You can set up varous functons for your fax and e-mal transmsson. Descrptons Enter the fax destnatons. See pages 2-14 to 2-19 on how to enter them. Enter the e-mal destnatons. See pages 2-14 to 2-19 on how to enter them. To attach a text message to your e-mal, clck [Edt E-mal Template].
  • Page 49 Descrptons To attach a cover page to faxes and e-mals, clck [Edt Cover Page]. To enter a message: (1) Select the cover page format from the lst button n “Cover Page”. (2) Enter the e-mal subject n the “Subject” field. You can enter up to 80 characters.
  • Page 50: Forwarding Received Documents

    Resending documents You can resend a document to the same locaton or other locatons. Start OfficeDrector and logn. (See page 2-11.) Open the “Personal Outbox” tab. Select the file you want to send by checkng the box next to the file. Clck [Resend].
  • Page 51 You may also receve faxes or e-mals to your Personal Inbox from other users. NOTE When you have nstalled and set up the “Oce InfoMontor” on your computer, the “Oce InfoMontor” wll notfy you when a new document arrves. See page 5-3 for nstruc- tons on how to set t up.
  • Page 52 Bulletin board Bulletn Board s a functon that makes t possble to share nformaton among reg- stered users. Posting a file from your browser Start OfficeDrector and logn. (See page 2-11.) Select the file you want to post by checkng the box next to the file. Clck [Post to the Bulletn Board].
  • Page 53 Items Descrptons Document The file to be posted wll be dsplayed n the lst. To check the files, clck [Prevew]. To add or change files: (1) Clck [Change]. The “Bulletn Board Document” dalog wll be dsplayed. (2) Select the box that contans the document you want to post.
  • Page 54 Start the desred software applcaton and create or open a document. Clck [Prnt] or [Prnt Setup] from the “Fle” menu. Make sure that “Oce fx2081 Fax” s selected as the prnter. If you want to make any adjustments, clck [Propertes]. For detals, see “Paper Preferences”...
  • Page 55 Clck [Post to the Bulletn Board]. The �Bulletin Board�� dialog �ill appear. Adjust any document settngs. For a lstng of settngs, see page 2-25. Clck [Post]. Posting a file from the machine You may scan a document from your machne to the bulletn board. See “Scan to bulletn board”...
  • Page 56 Viewing the posted files NOTE When you have nstalled and set up the “Oce InfoMontor” on your computer, the “Oce InfoMontor” wll notfy you when a new document arrves. See page 5-3 on how to set t up. Start OfficeDrector and logn. (see page 2-11) Clck the “Bulletn Board”...
  • Page 57 NOTE In order to perform network prntng, you need to have the OfficeDrector prnt drver nstalled on your computer. The drver s located on the Océ fx2081 OfficeDi- rector CD suppled wth your machne. See “Installng OfficeDrector” on page 1-10 for nstallaton nstructons.
  • Page 58: Network Scanning

    Network Scanning Operation flow The network scannng operatons are as follows: Scan documents from your machne nto OfficeDrector. You can use ether the “Scan to User’” or “Scan to Bulletn Board” functon. See Chapter 6 “Scanner Functons” n the MFP User’s Guide for operatonal nstructons.
  • Page 59 Clck [Save]. NOTE The appearng screen may vary by the browser you are usng. Save the file nto the locaton of your choce. Clck [Save]. NOTE The file wll be downloaded n TIFF or PDF format, whch you can specfy n “Intal Settngs”...
  • Page 60 Download the scanned mage usng a TWAIN complant software s only possble when the Oce TWAIN connector drver has been nstalled on your computer. The drver s located on the Océ fx2081 OfficeDirector CD suppled wth your machne. See “Installng OfficeDrector” on page 1-10 for nstallaton nstructons.
  • Page 61 Select the file you want to download. The selected file wll be hghlghted. Adjust any settngs and select [Download]. Items Descrptons A. [Informaton] tab Dsplays [Oce TWAIN Connector] nformaton. B. Lst The OfficeDrector boxes wll be dsplayed. C. Fle lst Dsplays the documents n the box.
  • Page 62 When clcked, the current settngs wll be saved. You cannot clck ths button unless the settngs have been changed. O. [Default] When clcked, the settngs are ntalzed to ther factory set- tngs. P. [Ext] When clcked, the [Oce TWAIN Connector] ends. 2-34 SinG ffice irector functionS...
  • Page 63 NOTE In order to use the temporary storage, you need to have the Océ fx2081 Fax Drver nstalled on your computer. The drver s located on the Océ fx2081 OfficeDirector CD suppled wth your machne. See “Installng OfficeDrector” on page 1-10 for nstallaton nstructons.
  • Page 64 How to attach temporary storage files You can attach a temporary storage document to fax or e-mal or to a postng docu- ment. You can also send documents stored n temporary storage to a fax or e-mal address, wthout attachng another file. For transmsson, we descrbe the detals n “PC-Fax transmsson and recepton”...
  • Page 65: OptOn Tools Menu

    Chapter Usng the Opton Tools Opton Tools Menu .................3-2 User Regstraton ...................3-3 User Regstraton ................3-3 Address Book ...................3-5 Forwardng Settngs ..............3-12 Temporary Storage lst ..............3-14 Common Job Settngs ................3-15 Scheduled Communcaton ............3-15 Prnt Job ..................3-17 Management Informaton ..............3-19 Devce Settngs ................3-19 Fax Hstory ..................3-20 Mal Hstory ..................3-22 Setup .....................3-24...
  • Page 66: User RegStratOn

    Option Tools Menu <User Registration> page 3-3 • [User Regstraton] Enter or edt your user nformaton. • [Address Book] Enter, edt or delete address book entres or address groups. • [Forward Settng] Sets the forwardng destnaton when the user s not present. •...
  • Page 67 User Registration NOTE In order to gan OfficeDrector access, you must be a regstered user. Contact your System Admnstrator, f necessary. User Registration Enter or edt your user nformaton. Start OfficeDrector and logn. (See page 2-11.) Clck the “Optons” tab. Clck [User Regstraton].
  • Page 68 Items Descrptons Company Enter the user’s company name. The company name may contan up to 50 characters. Department/Group Enter the name of the department or group the user belongs to. Ths tem may contan up to 100 characters. Phone Number Enter the user’s telephone number.
  • Page 69: Address Book

    Address Book You can regster up to 1000 frequently used destnatons nto the address book. Each destnaton can contan a fax number up to 40 dgts, an e-mal address up to 50 characters, and the destnaton name up to 30 characters. You can also add these destnatons nto a group.
  • Page 70 Items Descrptons Sortng Clck the category of the address book to make t dsplay n the lst. Method • “Personal Address Book(0)” — Dsplays the regstered nformaton n the “Personal Address Book”. • “Shared Address Book(0)” — Dsplays the regstered nformaton n the “Shared Address Book”.
  • Page 71: Deleting A Destination

    Items Descrptons Name Enter the name of the destnaton. Ths tem may contan up to 30 characters. Fax Number Enter the fax number for the destnaton. Ths tem may contan up to 40 dgts. E-mal Address Enter the e-mal address for the destnaton. Ths tem may contan up to 50 characters.
  • Page 72: Exporting Destination Information

    Exporting/importing destination information You can export destnaton nformaton to vCard or CSV format file and mport data from vCard or CSV format file. Exporting destination information Converts the destnaton nformaton data to a vCard file format and stores t on your computer.
  • Page 73: Importing Destination Information

    Importing destination information You can mport data from a vCard or CSV file format as destnaton nformaton data. Repeat steps 1 through 3 n “Regsterng a new destnaton”. In the “Address Book” screen, select ether “Shared Address Book” or “Personal Address Book”...
  • Page 74: Registering Groups

    Registering groups Group addressng allows you to quckly dstrbute documents to multple recpents. The machne provdes the “Shared Groups” and “Personal Groups”. You can regster up to 100 groups. NOTE You cannot use the numerc keys to manually enter a destnaton. Group members must be pre-regstered nto the address book before they can be added to a group.
  • Page 75: Editing A Group

    Clck [Add]. The selected destinations �ill be displayed in the address list at the botto� of the screen. Enter the group name n the “Group Name” field, then clck [Save]. The group �ill be registered. To regster another group, repeat procedures from step 2. Otherwse, clck [Close] on the “Address Book”...
  • Page 76 Forwarding Settings Ths sets the forwardng settng of documents receved nto the Personal Inbox. NOTE Regardng the forwardng settng of the document receve to the “Publc Inbox,” see “Receved Fax Forwardng” on page 4-24. Start OfficeDrector and logn. (See page 2-11.) Clck the “Optons”...
  • Page 77 Items Descrptons Receved Document • “Forward by E-mal” Handlng Check ths to forward the document by e-mal and enter the e-mal address to forward to. The forwardng e-mal address may contan up to 50 characters. At the same tme, select the file format for the forwardng document by checkng t.
  • Page 78: FLe Name

    Temporary Storage list You can vew and delete documents n temporary storage . Start OfficeDrector and logn. (See page 2-11.) Clck the “Optons” tab. Clck [Temporary Storage]. The �Te�porary �torage�� list �ill appear. Items Descrptons Page Swtches the page of the temporary storage document dsplay.
  • Page 79: Scheduled CommunCatOn

    Common Job Settings Scheduled Communication Checks the progress of scheduled fax and nternet fax transmssons proposed by usng the machne’s control panel. Current jobs can also be stopped. NOTE • To check or cancel the transmssons usng OfficeDrector screen, go to the “Per- sonal Outbox”...
  • Page 80 Items Descrptons Destnaton The destnaton’s name, fax number or e-mal address wll be dsplayed. When sendng to multple destnatons, the [Broadcast Detals] button wll appear. When you clck ths, other destnaton nformaton wll be dsplayed. When you clck the lst button and select the address/ sender, the scheduled communcaton dsplayed wll be narrowed down by the address/sender.
  • Page 81: PrNt Job

    Print Job You can cancel the prnt jobs dsplayed n the lst. NOTE • The “Securty Prnt” jobs wll be dsplayed only n the lst of each user who executed them. • To cancel the current prnt job, see “Cancellng a prnt job” n Chapter 7, “Prnter Functons”...
  • Page 82 Items Descrptons Pages The number of pages prnted wll be dsplayed n the form “xx/xx” (where x s the number of pages). Submtted The date and tme when the prnt job was submtted wll be dsplayed. [Cancel Prntng] Check the job you want to cancel and clck ths button. The cancel confirmaton dalog wll appear.
  • Page 83: DevCe SettNgs

    Management Information Device Settings NOTE You can always check the devce Settngs. Whether you can edt the settng, depends on the “Admn Tools” settng. To edt the settng, see Chapter 4 “Devce Settngs” on page 4-13. Checking the device information Start OfficeDrector and logn.
  • Page 84: Fax HStory

    Fax History Checks the hstory of sent and receved faxes. Start OfficeDrector and logn. (See page 2-11.) Clck the “Optons” tab. Clck [Fax Hstory]. The �Fax History�� list �ill appear and the fax history can be checked. Items Descrptons Page Swtches the page of the fax hstory dsplay.
  • Page 85 Items Descrptons Remarks The remarks wll be dsplayed. [Prnt Lst] When you clck ths, the prnt confirmaton dalog box wll appear. When you clck [OK], the fax hstory wll be prnted from the machne. [Download] When you clck ths, the download confirmaton dalog box wll appear.
  • Page 86: MaL HStory

    Mail History Checks the hstory of sent and receved e-mal. Start OfficeDrector and logn. (See page 2-11.) Clck the “Optons” tab. Clck [Mal Hstory]. The �Mail History�� list �ill appear and the e-�ail history can be checked. Items Descrptons Page Swtches the page of the e-mal hstory dsplayed.
  • Page 87 Items Descrptons Result The results wll be dsplayed. Comments When you clck “Detals”, the destnaton, subject, and other detaled nformaton for the e-mal wll be ds- played. [Prnt Lst] When you clck ths, the prnt confirm dalog box wll be dsplayed.
  • Page 88: Setup

    Setup File Name Register or edit a file name You can pre-regster up to 10 file names. The regstered file names help the users to enter file names scannng from the machne. Start OfficeDrector and logn. (See page 2-11.) Clck the “Optons” tab. Clck [Fle Name].
  • Page 89 Deleting a file name Repeat steps 1 through 3 n “Regster or edt file name”. Select the file name you want to delete. Clck [Intalze] to delete the file name. 3-25 etuP...
  • Page 90: Category

    Category Register or edit a category name You can pre-regster up to 10 category names. The regstered category names can be used for categorzng documents that users scan from the machne. Start OfficeDrector and logn. (See page 2-11.) Clck the “Optons” tab. Clck [Category].
  • Page 91 Deleting a category name Repeat steps 1 through 3 n “Regster or edt category name”. Select category name you want to delete. Clck [Intalze] to delete the category name. 3-27 etuP...
  • Page 92: Network ConfiguratOn

    Network Configuration Folder Shortcuts Folder shortcuts allow you to browse folders when usng Scan to Folder, Prnt on Demand functons or attachng files to transmssons. There are two types of folder shortcuts you can create: Shared or Personal. The personal folder shortcuts are dsplayed on the LCD only when you dsplay your personal settngs, whle shared folder shortcuts are vewable to all user.
  • Page 93 Select ether “Personal” or “Shared”. Clck [Add]. The �Folder �hortcut �ettings�� dialog appears. Items Descrptons Shortcut Name Enter the folder shortcut name. Folder Path Enter the exact folder path. Folder Browse If you do not know the exact folder path, select [Browse] to browse the network.
  • Page 94 Editing Folder shortcuts Repeat steps 1 through 3 n “Creatng folder shortcut”. Clck ether “Personal” or “Shared” to dsplay the lst of folder shortcuts you want to edt. Clck the Folder Shortcuts you want to edt. The �Folder �hortcut �ettings�� dialog appears. Edt the nformaton and clck [Save].
  • Page 95: Ftp Shortcuts

    FTP Shortcuts You can regster up to 20 FTP shortcuts. Creating or editing an FTP shortcut Start OfficeDrector and logn. (See page 2-11.) Clck the “Optons” tab. Clck [FTP Shortcuts]. A list of registered folder shortcuts �ill be displayed. Items Descrptons The FTP shortcut number.
  • Page 96 Items Descrptons Shortcut Name Enter the shortcut name for dentficaton purposes. Host Name Enter the FTP server name. Folder Name Enter the folder name on the FTP server. User Name Enter the user name for the FTP server. Password Enter the password for the FTP server. Configure the settngs, then clck [Save].
  • Page 97: AdmN Tools Menu

    Chapter Usng the Admn Tools Admn Tools Menu .................4-2 Openng the Admn Tools ..............4-4 User Regstraton ...................4-6 User Regstraton ................4-6 Address Book .................4-11 Common Job Settngs ................4-12 Scheduled Communcaton ............4-12 Prnt Job ..................4-12 Management Informaton ..............4-13 Devce Settngs ................4-13 Fax Hstory ..................4-15 Mal Hstory ..................4-15 User Access / Cost Accountng ............4-16 Setup .....................4-18...
  • Page 98: Admin Tools Menu

    Admin Tools Menu <User Registration> page 4-6 • User Registration Manages user regstraton. • Address Book Regsters destnaton nformaton nto the shared address book and shared groups. <Common Job Settings> page 4-12 • Scheduled Communication Ths s used for schedulng fax and e-mal communcatons and for cancelng com- muncatons.
  • Page 99 <Network Configuration> page 4-31 • TCP/IP Ths sets the network envronment (IP address, subnet mask, etc.). • SMTP/POP Ths sets the e-mal envronment (e-mal addresses, servers, etc.). • E-mail Settings Ths sets the document file format, e-mal template regstratons, etc. •...
  • Page 100 Opening the Admin Tools Enter your machne’s IP address n the URL address field on your browser (for example, – or – If you created the “OfficeDrector” shortcut on your desktop durng nstallaton, clck t. Clck “Admn Tools”. NOTE When you logn to Office brdge for the first tme or when you have been logged n as an user, you can enter the Admn Tools by clckng [Admn Tools] located n the upper rght corner of the browser, and then clck [OK].
  • Page 101 When the Network Settngs Code s requred, enter the code and clck [OK]. The �Ad�in Tools�� screen �ill appear. �Ad�in Tools�� screen �ill appear. NOTE If you do not access the Admn Tools for more than 30 mnutes, you wll be logged out the Admn Tools automatcally.
  • Page 102: User RegStratOn

    User Registration You can regster up to 50 users and user groups. If you need to regster more than 50 users or user groups, please contact your authorzed Océ dealer for memory upgrade. User Registration Register a new user Open the “Admn Tools” screen. (See page 4-4.) Clck [User Regstraton].
  • Page 103: User RegStratOn

    Select the number you want to regster. The �User �et-up�� dialog �ill appear. Items Descrptons User Name Enter the name of the “OfficeDrector” user. (requred) The user name may contan up to 30 characters. Password Enter the user password used to logn to “OfficeDrec- tor”.
  • Page 104 Items Descrptons E-mal Address Enter the user’s e-mal address. Ths address wll be dsplayed, f the user sends a fax or e-mal va OfficeD- rector. The e-mal address may contan up to 50 alphanumerc characters. PC Informaton Enter the IP Address and PC Name of the OfficeDrector user.
  • Page 105: Changing User Information

    Changing user information Repeat steps 1 and 2 n “Regster a new user”. In the “User Regstraton” screen, clck the user name you want to modfy. The �User �et-up�� dialog �ill appear. Modfy tems n the “User Set-up” dalog, then clck [Save]. The settings are registered and the �User �et-up��...
  • Page 106: Exporting User Information

    Exporting/importing user information You can export user nformaton to vCard file format and mport data from vCard file format. The followng tems can be mported or exported: “User Name”, “Company”, “Department /Group”, “Phone number”, “Fax number” and “E-mal Address”. Exporting user information You can convert the user nformaton data to vCard file format and store t on your computer.
  • Page 107: Address Book

    Address Book NOTE From “Admn Tools”, you can only regster the shared Address Book. To regster the personal Address Book, see “Address Book” n Chapter 3. The operaton for the functon s the same as n “Optons”. See “Address Book” on page 3-5 for operatonal nstructons.
  • Page 108: Common Job SettNgs

    Common Job Settings Scheduled Communication The operaton for the functon s the same as n “Optons”. See “Scheduled Commu- ncaton” on page 3-15 for operatonal nstructons. Print Job The operaton for the functon s the same as n “Optons”. See “Prnt Job” on page 3-17 for operatonal nstructons.
  • Page 109: Management InformatOn

    Management Information Device Settings NOTE When the “Network Settng Code” s protectng the Devce Settngs, you can edt ths functon from Admn Tools only. Refer also to “Devce Settngs” on page 3-19. Registering device information Regsters specfic devce nformaton to dstngush machnes when multple unts have been nstalled.
  • Page 110 Items Descrptons System Optons You may add optons that have been nstalled, the con- figuraton of these devces, etc. Ths may contan up to 200 characters. Network Connecton The current network communcatons speed and com- muncatons method wll be dsplayed. Telephone Lne Status The current telephone lne status wll be dsplayed.
  • Page 111: Fax HStory

    Fax History The operaton for the functon s the same as n “Optons”. See “Fax Hstory” on page 3-20 for operatonal nstructons. Mail History The operaton for the functon s the same as n “Optons”. See “Mal Hstory” on page 3-22 for operatonal nstructons. 4-15 anaGeMent nforMation...
  • Page 112: User Access / Cost Accounting

    User Access / Cost Accounting You can check the machne usage (copy, fax, scan and prnt) for each user. Open the “Admn Tools” screen. (See page 4-4.) Clck [Use Access / Cost Accountng] The �User Access / Cost Accounting�� list �ill appear. Items Descrptons Page...
  • Page 113: User Access / Cost AccountNg

    Items Descrptons Scan Charge The charge for scan. The scanned total pages are nd- cated n the parenthess. Prng Charge The charge for prnt. The prnted total pages are nd- cated n the parenthess. [Prnt] When you clck ths, the prnt confirm dalog box wll be dsplayed.
  • Page 114: Setup

    Setup You can setup the ntal settng for each functon. Initial Settings In ths dalog, you can set the ntal settng of the “Document download” and “Tem- porary stored document hold tme”. Open the “Admn Tools” screen. (See page 4-4.) Clck [Intal Settngs].
  • Page 115: Scan SettNgs

    Scan Settings You can set the retenton perod for scanned documents. Open the “Admn Tools” screen. (See page 4-4.) Clck [Scan Settngs]. The ��can �ettings�� dialog �ill appear. Items Descrptons Document Hold Tme Select the retenton perod of scanned documents n the “Scan”...
  • Page 116: Personal Outbox SettNgs

    Personal Outbox settings You can set the ntal settng of the Personal Outbox settngs. Open the “Admn Tools” screen. (See page 4-4.) Clck [Personal Outbox]. The �Personal Outbox �ettings�� dialog �ill appear. Items Descrptons Document Hold Tme Set whether or not to delete the documents automat- cally on the “Personal Outbox”...
  • Page 117 Items Descrptons Cover Page Set the default settng of the “Cover page” settngs on the “Fax Transmsson Settngs” dalog on page 2-20. • “Attach” Check when settng for a cover page to be attached. • “Cover Page” Select the default cover page format when attachng a cover page.
  • Page 118: Personal Inbox SettNgs

    Personal Inbox settings You can set the ntal settng of the Personal Inbox settng. Open the “Admn Tools” screen. (See page 4-4.) Clck [Personal Inbox]. The �Personal Inbox �ettings�� dialog �ill appear. Items Descrptons Document Hold Tme Set whether or not to delete receved documents auto- matcally.
  • Page 119: Category

    File Name The operaton for the functon s the same as n “Optons”. See “Fle Name” on page 3-24 for operatonal nstructons. Category The operaton for the functon s the same as n “Optons”. See “Category” on page 3-26 for operatonal nstructons. 4-23 etuP...
  • Page 120: ReceVed Fax ForwardNg

    Received Fax Forwarding Ths sets the automatc dstrbuton of faxes and e-mals receved nto the Publc Inbox. NOTE Regardng the forwardng settng of the document receved to the “Personal Inbox”, see “Forwardng Settngs” on page 3-12. Creating or editing distribution rules Open the “Admn Tools”...
  • Page 121 To regster a new dstrbuton rule, clck the number that does not contan a dstrbuton rule. To edt a dstrbuton rule, clck the desred dstrbuton rule. The �Fax For�arding �etting�� dialog �ill appear. Items Descrptons Settng Select whether to enable the settng you have config- ured.
  • Page 122 Items Descrptons Destnatons Select the dstrbuton destnaton. The receved fax or e-mal wll be dstrbuted to all destnaton specfied here. • To specify the “OfficeDirector” users (1) Clck [Select]. (2) Select the user or user group from the “Destna- ton” dalog box. (3) Clck [Add].
  • Page 123 Items Descrptons Destnatons • To specify a Windows shared folder (1) Clck [Folder Dstrbuton Settngs]. (2) Enter the folder path. If necessary, enter the doman user name and password to access t. – or – If the folder shortcut s regstered, (1) Clck [Folder Dstrbuton Settngs].
  • Page 124 Forced printing of received documents In case you are unable to read receved documents on your computer because OfficeDrector s not accessble, and the receved documents are not set to prntout, the receved document can be forced to prnt by followng ths procedure on the machne.
  • Page 125: PublC Inbox

    Public Inbox You can set the ntal Publc Inbox settngs. Open the “Admn Tools” screen. (See page 4-4.) Clck [Publc Inbox Settngs]. The �Public Inbox �ettings�� dialog �ill appear. Items Descrptons Settngs Select whether to enable the use of the “Publc Inbox” functon.
  • Page 126: BulletN Board

    Bulletin Board You can set the default Bulletn Board settngs. Open the “Admn Tools” screen. (See page 4-4.) Clck [Bulletn Board]. The �Bulletin Board �ettings�� dialog �ill appear. Items Descrptons Document Postng Select the retenton perod of the documents posted on Tme Lmt the “Bulletn Board”.
  • Page 127: Network Configuration

    Network Configuration TCP/IP settings Ths sets the network envronment for vewng receved faxes and e-mals on a computer or when usng the machne as a prnter. Open the “Admn Tools” screen. (See page 4-4.) Clck [TCP/IP]. The �TCP/IP �ettings�� dialog �ill appear. 4-31 etwork onfiGuration...
  • Page 128 Items Descrptons NetBIOS Name Enter the NetBIOS name. • A NetBIOS name can contan up to 15 alphanumerc characters and the “–” symbol wth no blank spaces. • The NetBIOS name must be unque on the network. Work Group Name Enter the name of the workgroup to whch your machne belongs.
  • Page 129 Items Descrptons Clent Port No. Select the UDP port number used for automatcally searchng “OfficeDrector” when nstallng the “OfficeD- rector” prnter. Normally, set to “60000”. InfoMontor Port No. Select the UDP port number used when “OfficeDrector” sends notficaton of newly arrved faxes etc. to “Info- Montor”.
  • Page 130: Smtp/Pop Server Settings

    SMTP/POP server settings Ths sets the e-mal sendng/recevng envronment. Open the “Admn Tools” screen. (See page 4-4.) Clck [SMTP/POP]. The ��MTP/POP �ettings�� dialog �ill appear. Items Descrptons Sender Name Enter the name that s dsplayed n the sender Informaton field (“From” field) when sendng e-mal. Up to 40 characters can be regstered.
  • Page 131 Items Descrptons Mal Server Sendng mal (SMTP) Enter the doman name or IP address of the Server SMTP server used for sendng e-mal. When enterng a doman name, you can enter up to 50 characters. Recevng mal (POP3) Enter the doman name or IP address of the Server POP3 server used for recevng e-mal.
  • Page 132 Items Descrptons Mal Server User ID for SMTP Enter the user ID for the SMTP server, f neces- sary. You can enter up to 50 characters. Password for SMTP Enter the password for the SMTP server, f necessary. You can enter up to 50 characters. SMTP Doman for Recevng When recevng mal wth SMTP from the mal...
  • Page 133: E-MaL SettNgs

    E-mail Settings Ths sets the operaton envronment for convenent e-mal usage. Open the “Admn Tools” screen. (See page 4-4.) Clck [E-mal Settngs]. The �E-�ail �ettings�� dialog �ill appear. Configure the settngs, then clck [Save] to save the settngs. 4-37 etwork onfiGuration...
  • Page 134 Items Descrptons Attach Fle Select whether to convert the documents nto a “PDF”, “TIFF-S” Format or “TIFF” format when sendng an e-mal. • PDF The document s converted nto PDF format. However, a PDF file can only be transmtted to an e-mal nbox. •...
  • Page 135 Items Descrptons E-mal Up to 10 e-mal templates can be regstered for sendng. Template Regstered e-mal templates can be accessed from the machne when sendng an e-mal. To regster or edt an e-mal template: (1) Clck [E-mal Template Regstraton]. The �E-�ail Te�plate Registration�� screen �ill appear. (2) To regster a new template, clck a number that does not contans the template.
  • Page 136 Items Descrptons When mal In some cases, receved e-mal cannot be prnted correctly due that cannot to the format of the receved file. Ths mode allows you to ether be analyzed s return an error message to the sender or have the message receved forwarded to another nbox.
  • Page 137 Items Descrptons When mal Select whether to return an MDN (Message Dsposton Notfi- requestng caton) when the receved e-mal requests an MDN. MDN s • Do not send MDN receved Not reply an MDN. • Send MDN Reply an MDN. [Specify MDN Recipients] Set ths to reply to MDN only from specfic e-mal addresses or doman names.
  • Page 138: Ldap SettNgs

    LDAP Settings NOTE If you are unsure about these settngs, consult your system admnstrator. Registering or editing LDAP server setting Open the “Admn Tools” screen. (See page 4-4.) Clck [LDAP Settngs]. The �LDAP �ettings�� screen �ill appear. Items Descrptons The LDAP server number. Name The regstered LDAP server name.
  • Page 139 Items Descrptons Name Enter the name for dentficaton purposes. Server Name Enter the LDAP server name. IP Address Enter the IP address of the LDAP server. IP address s gven prorty f both the LDAP server name and IP address are regstered. Port Number Enter the port number that the LDAP server s usng.
  • Page 140: Deleting An Ldap Server

    Items Descrptons Maxmum Results Enter the maxmum number of search results to be dsplayed. • The number can be entered wthn the range of 1–100. • The default number s 50. Tme Lmt Enter the maxmum search tme. • The tme can be entered wthn the range of 0–9999 seconds.
  • Page 141: Parameter Settings

    Parameter Settings Repeat steps 1 through 2 n “Regsterng or edtng LDAP server settng” on page 4-42. Clck [Parameter Settngs]. The �Para�eter �ettings�� dialog �ill appear. Enter an attrbute and clck [Save]. NOTE • You can regster up to two attrbutes for each search object. When two attrbutes have been regstered, the attrbute 1 (ex.
  • Page 142: Folder Shortcuts

    Folder Shortcuts The operaton for the functon s the same as n “Optons”. See “Folder Shortcuts” on page 3-28 for operatonal nstructons. FTP Shortcuts The operaton for the functon s the same as n “Optons”. See “FTP Shortcuts” on page 3-31 for operatonal nstructons. 4-46 etwork onfiGuration...
  • Page 143: ArchVe SettNgs

    Archive Settings NOTE • When you set “Archve Settngs” to “ON”, the followng transmsson wll be ds- abled. · Non-memory transmssons · Transmssons usng the [Montor] or an optonal handset · F-code securty receptons · F-code bulletn box receptons Pollng communcatons wll not be archved. •...
  • Page 144: ArchVe SettNgs

    Select the archve process you want to actvate or edt. Items Descrptons Archve Settng Select whether to enable ths archve settng. Archve Destnaton Select the archve destnaton. • To archve the document to a specfied fax number: (Ths settng does not appear on the “Transmtted e- mal Archve Settngs”...
  • Page 145 Items Descrptons Archve Destnaton • To archve a document to a specfied shared Wndows folder: (1) Clck the “Folder” rado button. (2) Clck [Folder Dstrbuton Settngs]. (3) Enter the folder path, doman user name and password. (4) Clck [Save]. – or – Clck [Shortcut Lst].
  • Page 146: Management InformatOn

    SNMP settings Open the “Admn Tools” screen. (See page 4-4.) Clck [SNMP Settngs]. The ��NMP �ettings�� screen �ill appear. Items Descrptons Start Servce Settng Set the SNMP agent servce to enable or dsable. Agent Identficaton “Contact Destnaton” Enter the admnstrator name. Up to 255 characters can be entered.
  • Page 147 Items Descrptons Securty Enter the communty name. The communty name s used to check whether ncom- ng SNMP requests have the correct communty name or not. The communty name s dsplayed as ••••• for securty reasons. The default communty name s “publc”. You can enter up to 20 characters for the communty name.
  • Page 148: Network FLterNg

    Network Filtering Open the “Admn Tools” screen. (See page 4-4.) Clck [Network Flterng]. The �Net�ork Filtering�� screen �ill appear. Items Descrptons MAC Address Flterng “Enable” Select whether to enable the settng you have config- ured. Check ths box to enable the settng. NOTE •...
  • Page 149 Items Descrptons IP Address Flterng “Enable” Select whether to enable the settng you have config- ured. Check ths box to enable the settng. NOTE • When ths s dsabled, the settngs are nvald even f they are set. • To enter the filterng address: (1) Clck the “Accept”...
  • Page 150: MachNe SettNgs

    Machine Settings You can set the machne menu also from the web browser. Open the “Admn Tools” screen. (See page 4-4.) Clck [Machne Settngs]. The �Machine �ettings�� screen �ill appear. Items Descrptons Copy Settngs You can set the followng default value: •...
  • Page 151 Items Descrptons Fax Settngs F-Code Box To create a new box, select a new number. To edt a box, select the box to edt. Enter the fol- lowngs and clck [Save]: • Box Type • Box Name • Sub-Address • Password •...
  • Page 152 Items Descrptons Mal Settngs You can set the followng default value: • I-FAX Fle Format • I-FAX Batch Scan • e-mal Fle Format (Monochrome and Color scannng) • e-mal Batch Scan •Subject Select the button of each tem, whch to set as default.
  • Page 153: Network SettNgs Codes

    NOTE See Chapter 9 “ Machne Settngs” n the MFP User’s Guide for nstructon of each functon. When you are finshed, clck [Save] to save the settngs. Network Settings Codes Ths mode wll requre the entry of a passcode pror to vewng/edtng the “Admn Tools”...
  • Page 154: AuthentCatOn SettNgs

    Authentication Settings The Network Authentcaton feature supports Kerberos, the hghest securty level wthn Actve Drectory. Ths product ncludes RSA BSAFE Cryptographc ® software from RSA Securty Inc. When the settng s actvated, users must enter ther doman user name and password to authentcate themselves and access the machne.
  • Page 155: UtLTy Programs Menu

    Envronment settngs ..............5-3 Usng Oce InfoMontor ..............5-7 Oce Document Download Manager ............5-8 Envronment settngs ..............5-8 Usng Oce Download Document Manager ........5-13 Oce Scan to Prnt Montor ..............5-17 Envronment settngs ..............5-17 Usng the Scan to Prnter functon ..........5-20 Oce CoverPage Edtor ................5-21 Creatng a new cover page ............5-21...
  • Page 156 Oce TffMaker s a prnt drver that converts files nto Tagged Image Fle Format (TIFF) from your software applcaton. For example, f you attach a TIFF file converted by Oce TffMaker to the Océ Inter- net Fax va e-mal, you can use the Océ Internet Fax machne as a prnter. Also, by usng the e-mal forwardng feature on the Océ...
  • Page 157: Oce InfomonTor

    Oce InfoMonitor NOTE To use “Oce InfoMontor”, t s necessary to nstall ths program on your computer. See “Installng OfficeDrector” on page 1-10 for nstallaton nstructons. For Windows Vista, Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Windows Server 2003 users “Wndows Securty Alert” dalog wll be dsplayed when “Oce InfoMontor” ntally starts When the followng dalog appears, clck [Unblock].
  • Page 158: EnvRonment SettNgs

    5-5 and “Notficaton Set-up” on page 5-6. User settings Select the OfficeDrector user so that the applcaton can actvate your files. Double-clck the Oce InfoMontor con on the task tray whle Oce InfoMon- tor s runnng. Clck “User settngs” n the “Envronment settngs”. Clck [Search].
  • Page 159 Ths should be set whenever the IP address s changed or the montorng nterval s adjusted. Double-clck the Oce InfoMontor con on the task tray whle Oce InfoMon- tor s runnng. Clck “OfficeDrector Settngs” n the “Envronment settngs”. Clck [Search].
  • Page 160 Notification Set-up Ths wll determne what events InfoMontor wll notfy you of. Double-clck the Oce InfoMontor con on the task tray whle Oce InfoMon- tor s runnng. Clck “Notficaton Set-up”. Select the “Notficaton Type”, from “Notficaton of all jobs” or “Notficaton of selected jobs”.
  • Page 161 Using Oce InfoMonitor Check a new document If you have nstalled and actvated InfoMontor, you wll be notfied for the event you have set up. Ths s an example of when a document arrved to a user’s scan box: • To vew the arrved document, clck [Open the document].
  • Page 162: Oce Document Download Manager

    Oce Document Download Manager NOTE To use “Oce Document Download Manager”, t s necessary to nstall ths program on your computer. See “Installng OfficeDrector” on page 1-10 for nstallaton nstructons. Environment settings Opening the environment setting If you want to adjust settngs, open “Envronment settngs” usng the followng...
  • Page 163 User settings Frst set the user, so that the applcaton wll download your files. See “Openng the envronment settng” on page 5-8 and open the settng screen. Clck “User settngs” n the “Envronment settngs”, then clck [Search]. Select your user name from the drop down lst. NOTE If the drop down lst does not appear after clckng [Search], first see the “OfficeD- rector settng”...
  • Page 164 OfficeDirector setting Ths should be set f the IP address s changed. See “Openng the envronment settng” on page 5-8 and open the settng screen. Clck “OfficeDrector settngs”. Clck [Search] NOTE On Wndows XP Servce Pack 2, Wndows Server 2003 or Wndows Vsta, “Wndows Securty Alert dalog”...
  • Page 165 Download setting Save in Set where to save your downloaded files. See “Openng the envronment settng” on page 5-8 and open the settng screen. Clck “Download”. To change the locaton of the folder, clck [Browse...]. Select your desred folder, and clck [OK]. Clck [OK].
  • Page 166: File Format

    File format Select the file format n whch to download the file as ether “TIFF” or “PDF”. See “Openng the envronment settng” on page 5-8 and open the settng screen. Clck “Download”. Select the file format, and clck [OK]. • Clck [Apply] to save the settng and keep the screen actve. •...
  • Page 167 Using Oce Download Document Manager Creating new download tasks Start up the Oce Document Download Manager, and clck [Add]. Clck the “Download” tab. Adjust any settngs as necessary. Item Descrpton Select from whch box you want to download the files.
  • Page 168 Clck the “Schedule” tab. Adjust any settngs as necessary. Item Descrpton Manual / Auto Select whether to download the files manually or auto- matcally. To download manually, check “Manual”; to download automatcally, check “Auto”. Schedule When you have selected “Auto”, set up when to run the download task.
  • Page 169 Editing a task Open the Oce Document Download Manager. Select the task to edt, and clck [Edt]. Adjust any settngs as necessary. See “Create new download tasks” on page 5- 13, f needed. Clck [OK]. • Clck [Cancel] to close the screen wthout savng the changes.
  • Page 170 Run the task Open the Oce Document Download Manager. Select the task you want to run, and clck [Run]. When you want to run all the tasks, clck [Run All]. The selected tasks wll be executed, and the result wll be dsplayed.
  • Page 171: Oce Scan To PrNt MonTor

    Oce Scan to Print Monitor NOTE To use “Oce Scan to Prnt Montor”, t s necessary to nstall ths program on your computer. See “Installng OfficeDrector” on page 1-10 for nstallaton nstructons. Environment settings Opening the environment setting If you want to adjust settngs, open “Envronment settngs” by the followng proce-...
  • Page 172 Clck “Browse...”. Browse the computer and specfy the shared folder to regster. Clck “OK”. Clck the lst button n “Prnter” and specfy a prnter regstered on the com- puter. Enter a prnter name n “Name”. The regstered name wll be dsplayed on the machne control panel. Enter the account and password for loggng n to the shared folder n each field.
  • Page 173: General Settings

    General Settings See “Openng the envronment settng” on page 5-17 and open the settng screen. Clck the “General” Tab. Check the box next to the tems to actvate the settngs. Item Descrpton Prnt Log The prnt logs are saved n the folder (“ScantoPM” folder) that contans the “Scan to Prnt Montor”...
  • Page 174: Network Settings

    Network Settings See “Openng the envronment settng” on page 5-17 and open the settng screen. Clck the “Network” Tab. Item Descrpton IP address Clck [Search] to search the IP address of your machne. When the IP addresses are dsplayed, select the IP address of your machne and clck [OK].
  • Page 175: Oce Coverpage EdTor

    Oce CoverPage Editor NOTE To use “Oce CoverPage Edtor”, t s necessary to nstall ths program on your com- puter. See “Installng OfficeDrector” on page 1-10 for nstallaton nstructons. Creating a new cover page NOTE You can regster five cover pages. Accordng to the memory opton, ths may be extended to 20.
  • Page 176 Clck “Fle”, and select [Upload]. Select an ID and clck [Upload]. When you check the “Prevew” box you can see the cover page you are about to upload. If you have already regstered five cover pages, you wll need to overwrte an exstng cover page.
  • Page 177 Editing the cover page Inserting data from the OfficeDirector Memory You can nsert the followng data automatcally every tme you use an OfficeDrec- tor cover page. The commands are located under “Insert”. Data Descrptons Recpent “Name” The name regstered n the “Address Book” field wll be nserted nto ths field.
  • Page 178 How to insert the data: Clck “Start”, pont to “All Programs”, locate “OfficeDrector” then “Oce CoverP- age Edtor” to start the program. Clck the arrow tool located on the software to select the commands. Clck “Insert” and then select the desred data.
  • Page 179 Sending a cover page You can attach a cover page to outbound nternet fax and e-mal transmssons. You may also send a cover page by tself, ncludng a bref text message n the “Message” field. For transmsson, we descrbe the detals n “Sendng a fax from a computer” on pages 2-5 and 2-6 and “PC-Fax transmsson and recepton”...
  • Page 180 Enter the subject n the “Subject” box. The subject may contan up to 80 characters. Enter the message n the “Message” box. The message may contan up to 1024 characters. Clck [Save]. Specfy the destnatons and make any adjustments. • To enter destnatons, see “Enterng destnatons” on page 2-14. •...
  • Page 181: CreatNg A Tiff File

    Oce TiffMaker NOTE To use “Oce TffMaker”, t s necessary to nstall ths program on your computer. See “Installng OfficeDrector” on page 1-10 for nstallaton nstructons. Creating a TIFF file Start the desred applcaton program and create/open a document. Select “Prnt” from the Fle menu.
  • Page 182 This page intentionally left blank. 5-28 aker...
  • Page 183: WNdows OperatOn Errors

    Chapter Troubleshootng Wndows Operaton errors ..............6-2 Prntng errors ..................6-7 Oce InfoMontor errors ................6-9 Oce Document Download Manager errors ..........6-10 For Internet Explorer 7 users ..............6-11 Creatng a shared folder ..............6-12...
  • Page 184 Windows Operation errors Phenomenon Devce to check Check pont Countermeasure Cannot Computer Check f the OfficeDrector Check the OfficeDrector IP address and connect to IP address s entered cor- make sure t has been entered correctly. OfficeDrec- rectly. tor. Check f the OfficeDrector Refer to Chapter 1 “TCP/IP settngs”...
  • Page 185 Phenomenon Devce to check Check pont Countermeasure A table sze, Computer Check f the specfied Use Internet Explorer 5.0.1 or later, or character browser s used. Netscape 7.0 or later as your browser. If ptch, or lne you use an older verson of the browser, ptch on the we recommend nstallng the latest ver- dsplayed...
  • Page 186 Phenomenon Devce to check Check pont Countermeasure Cannot Computer Check f the LAN cable s Check the LAN cable connecton and con- transmt/ connected. nect correctly. receve a fax. Check f the LAN cable s Replace the LAN cable. damaged. Check f the network card Replace the network card.
  • Page 187 Fax”. e-mal. Check f the port settngs of Check the “Port to prnt” settngs n “Oce “Oce fx2081 Fax” s correct. fx2081 Fax” and set the prnt destnaton port wth the correct IP address. The Publc...
  • Page 188 Cannot Computer Check f “Oce TWAIN Con- If “Oce TWAIN Connector” s not mport a nector” s nstalled. nstalled, you cannot mport a scanned scanned document n the applcaton software. document Ext OfficeDrector and nstall “Oce...
  • Page 189 Printing errors Phenomenon Devce to check Check pont Countermeasure Cannot prnt Computer Check f the LAN cable s Check the LAN cable connecton and con- a document connected. nect correctly. Check f the LAN cable s Replace the LAN cable. damaged.
  • Page 190 PCL5e”, s nstalled. software. Ext OfficeDrector and nstall applcaton “Oce fx2081 GDI”, “Oce fx2081 PCL6”, or software “Oce fx2081 PCL5e”. cannot be Check f “Oce fx2081 GDI”, From the prnt menu of the applcaton prnted.
  • Page 191: Oce InfomonTor Errors

    s set to ON. InfoMontor” and check f “Vew popups” s selected. Check f the connecton to Set the port number (60000) of “Oce Info- “Oce InfoMontor” s not Montor” to the excluded range of vrus rejected n vrus scan soft- scan software or securty software.
  • Page 192: Oce Document Download Manager Errors

    Oce Document Download Manager errors Phenomenon Devce to check Check pont Countermeasure Cannot Computer Check f “Oce Document If “Oce Document Download Manager” s download a Download Manager” s run- not runnng, you cannot download. Start document nng. up “Oce Document Download Manager”.
  • Page 193: For Internet Explorer 7 Users

    For Internet Explorer 7 users When you are usng Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) please change the securty settng to vew the resdent web page or open a scanned mage on OfficeDrector. (The mages are based on Vsta.) Open Internet Explorer, and clck the “Tools” button, and then clck “Internet Optons”.
  • Page 194: Creating A Shared Folder

    Creating a shared folder To use ”Scan to folder” or “Scan to prnter”, you wll need to set up a shared folder. For more nformaton how to share a folder, refer to the Wndows “help”. Windows Vista Rght clck the folder, and select “Propertes”. Clck the “Sharng”...
  • Page 195 Under “Fle sharng”, select “Turn on file sharng”. And then clck [Apply]. NOTE When the “User Account Control” dalog box appears, type an admnstrator pass- word or provde confirmaton. (When you log on as an admnstrator) (When you log on as a standard user) When the “Password protected sharng”...
  • Page 196 Close the “Network and Sharng Center” dalog box. Select “Everyone (All users n ths lst)” from the lst, and clck [Add]. Change the “Permsson Level” to “Co-owner”. Clck [Share]. Clck [Done]. Clck the “Sharng” tab, and select [Advanced Sharng...]. 6-14 reatinG a Shared foLder...
  • Page 197 NOTE When the “User Account Control” dalog box appears, type an admnstrator pass- word or provde confirmaton. (When you log on as an admnstrator) (When you log on as a standard user) Check “Share ths folder”. Clck [Permsson]. 6-15 reatinG a Shared foLder...
  • Page 198 Select “Everyone” as “Group or user names”, and allow “Full Control”. Clck [OK]. Clck [OK]. 6-16 reatinG a Shared foLder...
  • Page 199 Windows XP Professional / Windows 2000 Rght clck the folder and select “Propertes”. Clck the “Sharng” tab, and select “Share ths folder”. If a screen other than the one lsted below appears, refer to page 6-19. Enter a name for the folder. 6-17 reatinG a Shared foLder...
  • Page 200 Clck [Permssons]. Clck the check box next to “Full Control” n “Permsson for Everyone”. Clck [OK]. Clck [OK] agan. 6-18 reatinG a Shared foLder...
  • Page 201 Windows XP Professional (Quick setting) Rght clck the folder to setup and select “Propertes”. Clck the “Sharng” tab, and then “If you understand the securty rsks...”. Select “Just enable file sharng” and clck [OK]. Clck “Share ths folder on the network”. Enter a name for the folder.
  • Page 202 This page intentionally left blank. 6-20 reatinG a Shared foLder...
  • Page 203: Index

    Oce Document Download Manager 1-11, 5-8 Driver installation ........1-13 Oce fx2081 Fax Driver ......1-10 Oce fx2081 GDI Print Driver ....1-10 Oce InfoMonitor ......1-11, 5-3 Oce Scan to Print Monitor .... 1-11, 5-17 E-mail settings ........4-37 Oce TiffMaker .......
  • Page 204 TCP/IP settings ........4-31 Temporary Storage ......... 2-35 Temporary Storage list ......3-14 Trouble shooting ........6-1 for Oce Document Download Manager 6-10 for Oce ImfoMonitor ......6-9 for Printing ..........6-7 for Windows Operation ......6-2 User Access / Cost Accounting ....4-16 User Registration ......
  • Page 205 MEMO...
  • Page 206 MEMO...
  • Page 208 DA7-92340-60...

Table of Contents