Management Responsibility & Review; Planning & Resource Management - Extreme Networks Accessory System Manual

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5.0 Management Responsibility & Review
Management Commitment: Extreme Networks' Executive Leadership team establishes the quality
system framework, corporate policies, expectations, and goals; and is committed to:
♦ Providing organizational leadership
♦ Delegating appropriate responsibilities to meet quality objectives
♦ Defining strategic quality goals and objectives, including statutory or customer requirements
♦ Ensuring the continual improvement of products, processes, and the quality system
Responsibility for Quality: Extreme Networks' Executive Leadership team establishes the quality
system framework, including certain key quality policies and guidelines. The separate functional
organizations develop supporting policies, processes, or guidelines to implement the corporate
objectives within their team(s). Managers ensure team members are appropriately trained, have
access to tools and resources, and are empowered to implement system improvements.
Extremists are responsible for ensuring the quality of their work; contributing to the quality of
products, services, and solutions; and creating an organizational environment of excellence.
Management Review: Periodically, throughout the year, the Executive Team reviews the Quality
System – its strengths, opportunities for improvement, and the need for changes. Information from
various programs and functional teams is evaluated against corporate objectives. Review inputs
include: business metrics (KPIs), the results of internal assessments and external audits, continual
improvement activities, and the status of corporate initiatives. Recommendations for changes and
improvements are presented to the Executive Staff for discussion and/or approval. Action items are
assigned as needed to support organizational objectives, customer and employee satisfaction, and
continual improvement. Meeting minutes communicate review results and action item status.
6.0 Planning & Resource Management
Business Strategy & Quality Planning: In the strategic and annual business planning cycle the
Leadership Team sets long- and short-term objectives for the organization and the supporting Key
Performance Indicators (KPIs). The Leadership team is responsible for communicating the business
strategy to the organization as well as changes made to the established plan(s). Extreme Networks is
committed to ensuring products and services conform to the quality standards and specifications
required by its customers. Corporate quality objectives are defined and documented as part of the
strategic planning process. For new projects or programs, quality objectives are documented at the
project definition and planning stage, incorporating input from customers, employees, and suppliers.
Infrastructure & Work Environment: Extreme Networks maintains a safe, comfortable, and suitable
environment for its employees, guests, and the products designed and serviced at its facilities. Where
practicable, reasonable accommodations are made for individuals' accessibility or ergonomic needs.
Work areas are ergonomically organized according to space required for the work. Equipment, tools,
and supplies are made available as appropriate to each job function or area. All facilities comply with
local, state, and national safety and environmental standards. Extreme Networks uses sensible green
business methods where practicable.
Resource Management:
reviewed, and adjusted where necessary. Annually, the management team establishes the corporate
business objectives, including quality goals and customer requirements, and determines the resources
required to meet those objectives. The Leadership team is responsible for providing adequate
resources that enable employees to operate effectively, and for ensuring that individual and
organizational goals are achievable.
Doc. #: 1.02.L01
Rev. R03, 28-Apr-09
Resources are allocated against forecasted requirements, periodically
Extreme Networks, Inc., copyright, 2009
Printed Copy is Uncontrolled
Page 5 of 11
Owner: Corporate Quality


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