Kenmore 229.960330 Owner's Manual page 22

Continuous pilot/electronic intermittent ignition gas-fired cast iron steam boiler
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The water in the boiler is heated until it reaches the boiling
point. As the water boils it turns into steam. The steam rises
from the top of the water through the supply main to the
radiation units. As it passes through the radiators it releases
its heat and condenses
into water. The water returns to the
boiler through
the return main. Most residential systems
operate at less than 1 pound steam pressure.
©n steam heating systems the boiler is partially filled with
water. It is very important to the proper operation of the entire
system that your boiler be filled to the proper level. The correct
water level is about halfway up the glass water level gauge
as marked on the boiler jacket. To fill:
1. Close the boiler drain valve.
2. Open the valves at the top and bottom of the glass water
level gauge. Also open the drain valve at the bottom of
the gauge.
3. Open the fill valve and allow water to run into the boiler.
- Never run water into a hot empty boiler,
4. Allow boiler to fill until water runs out the gauge drain
valve. Then close the gauge drain valve.
5. Continue to fill boiler until water reaches the indicated water
line. This is about halfway up the glass tube.
Keep it set at a desired room temperature. If windows are
to be opened or heat is not needed, move thermostat pointer
to a lower setting.
In the event of failure of any component, the system
will not operate or will go into safety lockout. The system
is completely self-checking
On every call for heat, each
must be functioning
to permit
operation. On safety lockout the system has to be reset
by turning the thermostat to the lowest setting for one
minute, then back to the normal setting.
Safe lighting and other performance criteria were met with
the gas manifold and control assembly provided on the boiler
when the boiler underwent tests specified
in ANSI Z21.13
- latest revision.
The normal water level is shown on the right side of the
boiler and is 24' above the floor. The normal water level
is determined when the boiler is off and cold, i.e. when all
of the water in the system is inside the boiler and the return
piping below the water line, and everything above the water
line is air, no steam. When the boiler is making steam, the
water level win drop two to three inches below the normal
water line.
The Automatic Gas Valve opens or closes according to the
heat requirements
of the thermostat and temperature
control. It closes if the pilot goes out. Each individual control
must be operating correctly before any gas can pass to the
burners. Any one control can hold the gas supply from burner
regardless of the demand of any other control.

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