Nokia 9110 Setting Up Dial-In Service Manual
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Mobile Phones
Nokia 9110 Communicator
Setting Up Dial-In Service
Copyright©Nokia Mobile Phones 1999
1 (16)


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Nokia 9110

  • Page 1 SETTING UP DIAL-IN SYSTEM 1 (16) Mobile Phones 21.04.99 Nokia 9110 Communicator Setting Up Dial-In Service Copyright©Nokia Mobile Phones 1999...
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    5.3. PPP Data Calls Over Long Distances ....................... 16 Nokia is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Nokia’ s product names are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Nokia. Other product and company names mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective owners.
  • Page 3: Overview

    2.3. 2.1. Requirements A dial-in server for the Nokia 9110 Communicator should have a dial-in telephone line(s) with a Point to Point Protocol (PPP) service. There are also digital solutions available. Different methods for providing dial-in communicator service are explained in the following chapters.
  • Page 4: Configuring The Tcp/Ip

    DDA. Nokia Telecommunications has a family of products, called the Nokia Artus family and DaCS is one part of the family. More information about the Artus family can be found at Figure 2.3, Direct digital access with the communicator.
  • Page 5: Secure Authentication And Connections

    Layer). Some banks have established on-line banking over the Internet (i.e. they use an http connection). SSL can also be used with Lotus Domino. SSL 3.0 software is available for the communicator. See the communicator support section of Forum Nokia for more information ( 3. USING SCRIPTS This chapter specifies how to define custom login sequences for the time frame between the data call establishment (i.e.
  • Page 6: Script Features

    Time spent waiting for user input in ask() and askq() does not count towards “ expect” or “ send” time-outs. If the user doesn't dismiss the input dialog set up by ask() or askq() during the user timeout of 4 minutes, the operation is continued as if the user has dismissed the dialog. Copyright©Nokia Mobile Phones 1999...
  • Page 7: How To Create A Script

    Let's take an example. This is what the server requests: Sender Message Welcome!<CR> User <CR> Domain: User MyDomain Login: User Myusername<CR> Password: User 2secret4u<CR> Server-prompt> User (begins PPP) Copyright©Nokia Mobile Phones 1999...
  • Page 8: Example Scripts

    Note: <CR> denotes a carriage return is entered. Case 1: The user must execute the following dialog with the IAP to start PPP negotiations: Sender Message Welcome to our Great Access service, Please enter your login name and password.<CR> Login: Copyright©Nokia Mobile Phones 1999...
  • Page 9 # If the IAP does not send '>' send a CR, if or after it sends the '>' # send a string 'pppd -f xyz.opt'. >-""-> "pppd -f xyz.opt" # End of script, PPP starts Case 3: Copyright©Nokia Mobile Phones 1999...
  • Page 10: Octal Values Of Characters

    If there are problems in transmitting some characters, you can always use the special sequence /ddd, where ddd is the octal value of a character. Here are the octal values: Non-Printing Characters Octal Character Remark CTRL-@ NUL (Null prompt) CTRL-A SOH (Start of heading) CTRL-B STX (Start of text) Copyright©Nokia Mobile Phones 1999...
  • Page 11 GS (Group separator) CTRL-^ RS (Record separator) CTRL-_ US (Unit separator) DEL (Delete or rubout) Printing Characters Octal Character Remark Space Exclamation Point " Double quote Sharp Sign Dollar Sign Percent Sign & Ampersand Apostrophe Left Parenthesis Copyright©Nokia Mobile Phones 1999...
  • Page 12 SETTING UP DIAL-IN SYSTEM 12 (16) Mobile Phones 21.04.99 Right Parenthesis Asterisk Plus Sign Comma Hyphen Period Slash (Virgule) Colon Semicolon < Left Angle Bracket Equal Sign > Right Angle Bracket Question Mark Octal Character Remark "At" Sign Copyright©Nokia Mobile Phones 1999...
  • Page 13 SETTING UP DIAL-IN SYSTEM 13 (16) Mobile Phones 21.04.99 Left Square Bracket Back Slash Right Square Bracket Caret Underscore Back Quote Octal Character Remark Left Curly Brace Vertical Bar Right Curly Brace Tilde Copyright©Nokia Mobile Phones 1999...
  • Page 14: Example Systems

    (and its properties) to get to the Remote Access Setup window (Figure 4.1). Figure 4.1 Remote Access Setup Window Note: In this example the communicator is set up to be used as the dial-in modem via the cable. Copyright©Nokia Mobile Phones 1999...
  • Page 15: Shiva Terminal Server Settings

    The Shiva server uses SPAP as an authentication protocol by default, but the communicator does not support this protocol. With Shiva, a TACACS server should be used (Nokia recommends the extended TACACS). The following configuration is based on the Shiva Net Manager settings, with software version 4.0.1. When using conventional modems, the PPP Restart Timer must be set to 10.
  • Page 16: Known Problems

    This problem can be avoided by configuring the PPP server to use a greater restart timer value (e.g. 11 seconds) or to configure the PPP server to use some dynamic scheme for updating the restart timer value if the server is capable of doing so. Copyright©Nokia Mobile Phones 1999...

Table of Contents