WARNmNG: Whenservicing, useonlyidentical
Craftsman r eplacement parts.Useofanyotherpart
maycreatea hazard or cause productdamage.
WARNmNG: Always wearsafetygoggles or safety
glasses withsideshields whenusing compressed a ir
to cleantools.Iftheoperation is dusty, a lsoweara
WARNUNG: Toavoidserious personal injury, a lways
remove the battery packfromthetoolwhencleaning
or performing a nymaintenance.
Avoid using soIvents when cleaning plastic parts. Most
plastics are susceptible to damage from various types of
commercial solvents and may be damaged by their use.
Use clean cloths to remove dirt, dust, oiI, grease, etc.
Do not at any time let brake fluids,
gasoline, petroleum-based
products, penetrating
oils, etc. come in contact with plastic parts. Chemi-
cals can damage, weaken or destroy plastic which
may result in serious personal injury.
Only the parts shown on the parts list are intended to be
repaired or replaced by the customer. AII other parts
should be replaced at a Sears Service Center.
See Figures 13- 15.
The chuck can be removed in order to replace it with a
To remove:
Lock the switch trigger by placing the direction of rota-
tion selector in center position.
m Hnserta 5/16 in. or larger hex key into the chuck of the
drill and tighten the chuck jaws securely.
m Tap the hex key sharply with a mallet in a clockwise di-
rection. This will loosen the screw in the chuck for easy
m Open chuck jaws and remove hex key. Remove the
chuck screw by turning it in a clockwise direction.
NOTE: The screw has left hand threads.
m Insert hex key in chuck and tighten chuck jaws se-
cutely. Tap sharply with a mallet in a counterc!ockwise
direction. This will loosen chuck on the spindle. Ht c an
now be unscrewed by hand.
Fig. 15
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