5-5. Nail Driving Force
Figure 3 shows by type of wood and nail the nailer output energy provided by the supply pressure and the nailing
energy required for driving the nail flush. Air pressure which exceeds the intersecting point between the nailer
output energy and the required nailing energy for driving the nail allows the nail to be fully driven. For example,
when driving a nail of 1.8 mm dia. x 65 mm length (.072" x 2-1/2") into six sheets of 12 mm (.472") plywood
(72 mm (2-27/32") thick) with the Model NT 65MA3, a pressure of about 6.3 bar (6.4 kgf/cm
nailer to drive the nail flush with the wood surface. A pressure beyond this value causes the nail head to be driven
below the wood surface. Figure 3 should be used as a reference only because those values vary depending on
the type of wood, moisture content, and grain of wood.
Required nailing energy
(12 mm (.472") thick) x 6
5-6. Optional Accessories
Full sequential actuation mechanism kit (sequential trip mechanism kit) (Code No. 884320)
A full sequential actuation mechanism kit (sequential trip mechanism kit) is provided as an optional accessory for
the Model NT 65MA3. By using this optional accessory, a nail is driven by pressing the pushing lever first against
a workpiece and then pulling the trigger (single-shot operation), and no nail is driven when pulling the trigger first
and then pressing the pushing lever against a workpiece. Please recommend the full sequential actuation
mechanism kit (sequential trip mechanism kit) to the customers who want to use it. Salespersons must instruct the
customers to read the Handling Instructions attached to the full sequential actuation mechanism kit (sequential trip
mechanism kit) and also the Handling Instructions of the Model NT 65MA3 thoroughly for correct use.
Fig. 3 Required nailing energy and nailer output energy
Nailer output energy
--- 5 ---
, 91 psi) allows the
NT 65MA2
NT 65MA3
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