Timberwolf TW 280FTR Instruction Manual

Timberwolf TW 280FTR Instruction Manual

Wood chipper
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TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Wood Chipper
(Original Instructions)
C190-0507 - Rev 1.0 EN


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Timberwolf TW 280FTR

  • Page 1 TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Wood Chipper INSTRUCTION MANUAL (Original Instructions) C190-0507 - Rev 1.0 EN...
  • Page 2 Copyright © 2024 Timberwolf All Right s Reserved. Cont ains inf ormat ion owned by Timberwolf and/ or it s af f iliat es. Do not copy, st ore, t ransmit or disclose t o any t hird part y wit hout prior writ t en permission f rom Timberwolf .
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Contents Introduction Thank you f or choosing Timberwolf Import ant Healt h and Saf et y Inf ormat ion Warning or Caut ion Symbols Hazardous Mat erials Purpose Product Details Specif icat ion Locat ion of Part s 2.2.1 Part s Locat or 1...
  • Page 4: Part S Locat Or

    TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Operating Instructions Manual Cont rols No St ress Cont rol Emergency St opping Discharge Cont rols Engine Cont rols Crawler Track Cont rols 4.6.1 Chipping Mode 4.6.2 Tracking Mode 4.6.3 Tracking Speed Checks Bef ore St art ing...
  • Page 5: Part S Locat Or

    TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Spares Engine Servicing Saf e Lif t ing of t he Chipper Bat t ery Saf et y Inf ormat ion Check and Replace Fast eners Change Blades 5.10 Adjust Rot or Drive Belt Tension 5.11 Adjust Hydraulic Pump Drive Belt Tension 5.12 V-Belt Tensioning Procedure...
  • Page 6: Part S Locat Or

    TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Recommissioning af t er St orage Dismantling and Disposal 10 Declaration of Conformity Notes 4/80 C190-0507 - Rev 1.0 EN...
  • Page 7: Introduction

    All t he inf ormat ion you need t o operat e t he machine saf ely and ef f ect ively is cont ained wit hin t his manual. Ensure t hat all operat ors are properly t rained f or operat ing t he TW 280FTR (Hybrid), especially in safe working pract ices.
  • Page 8: Warning Or Caution Symbols

    Purpose The TW 280FTR (Hybrid) is designed t o chip solid wood mat erial up t o 210 mm (8 inches) in diamet er and is capable of chipping over 7 t onnes of brushwood per hour.
  • Page 9: Product Details

    Product Details This chapt er cont ains t he specif icat ions of t he TW 280FTR (Hybrid). It shows t he locat ions of t he main component s of t he chipper, list s all t he decals used on t he machine, and describes t he purpose of t he various guarding assemblies.
  • Page 10: Location Of Parts

    TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 2 Product Details Location of Parts 2.2.1 Parts Locator 1 Discharge t ube Hydraulic mot or guard Discharge bucket Jack Roller box guard Cont rol box (bot h sides) Air int ake Feed t ray Engine St op Swit ch...
  • Page 11 2 Product Details TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 2.2.2 Parts Locator 2 Lif t ing eye Fuel pump Air f ilt er In-line f uel f ilt er Radiat or Fuel t ank Bat t ery Hydraulic t ank Engine block Winch (opt ional)
  • Page 12 TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 2 Product Details 2.2.3 Parts Locator 3 Elect ric cabinet Hydraulic pump pulley Top roller slide Generat or Synchronous Mot or (GSM) Cont rol panel Exhaust Greasing panel Alt ernat or Chipper cont rol unit Oil f ilt er 10/80 C190-0507 - Rev 1.0 EN...
  • Page 13 2 Product Details TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 2.2.4 Parts Locator 4 Rot or Hydraulic pump drive belt Rot or pulley Hydraulic pump Belt t ensioning pulley Fan sect ion (x4) Drive belt s Cut t ing blade (x2) Drive pulley C190-0507 - Rev 1.0 EN...
  • Page 14: Tool Box

    Fuse 20 behind t his panel Fuse Box 2 (12v) Relay 10 Fuse Box 3 (48v) Tool Box The TW 280FTR (Hybrid) is supplied wit h a t ool box which cont ains: • Combinat ion spanner (17mm/ 19mm) • Access cover keys (x2) •...
  • Page 15: Safety Decals

    2 Product Details TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Safety Decals Table 2 - Saf et y Decal Descript ions Pt No Descript ion WARNING - Hot exhaust . WARNING - High velocit y discharge. Keep clear. 4099 DANGER - Rot at ing blades. Keep hands and f eet out .
  • Page 16 TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 2 Product Details Pt No Descript ion C192- Elect rical volt age - 12 volt s 0311 C192- Elect rical volt age - 48 volt s 0312 P3611 DANGER - Rot at ing blades. Keep hands and f eet out .
  • Page 17: Instruction Decals

    2 Product Details TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Instruction Decals Table 3 - Inst ruct ion Decal Descript ions Descript ion Personal Prot ect ive Equipment required. (Sect ion 3.2 "Operat or's Personal Prot ect ive Equipment (PPE)" on page 19.) 1399 Push saf et y bar t o st op.
  • Page 18 TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 2 Product Details Descript ion P691 Do not pull here. P1812 Torque blade bolt s t o 170 Nm (125 f t -lb). P2157 Relay decal: Tracking speed. C192- Lif t ing eye maximum weight . 0145 C192- Do not jet wash in t his area.
  • Page 19: Model Decals

    C192- Wolf t rack syst em. 0146 C192- Timberwolf - Right side panel. 0192 C192- Timberwolf - Lef t side panel. 0193 C192- Made in Brit ain 0201 C192- Hybrid power. 0295 C190-0507 - Rev 1.0 EN...
  • Page 20: Identification Plate

    Ensure all t he guards are correct ly fit t ed during all operat ions. The guards may only be removed for maint enance. The TW 280FTR (Hybrid) has t he f ollowing f ixed guards f or prot ect ion of t he operat or, chipper and environment : Roller Box Guard •...
  • Page 21: Safety Notes And Warnings

    TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Safety Notes and Warnings Safety Notices Indicat es a hazardous sit uat ion which, if not avoided, could result in deat h or serious injury. Indicat es a hazardous sit uat ion which, if not avoided, could result in moderat e injury or damage t he machine.
  • Page 22: Basic Woodchipping Safety

    TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 3 Safety Notes and Warnings Basic Woodchipping Safety It is t he responsibilit y of t he machine operat or t o carry out a full sit e Risk Assessment before st art ing work. This Risk Assessment should consider t he...
  • Page 23: Operating Safely - You Must

    3 Safety Notes and Warnings TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Operating Safely - You MUST YOU MUST st op t he chipper engine bef ore adjust ing, ref uelling or cleaning. YOU MUST check t he rot or has st opped rot at ing bef ore maint enance of any kind, or whenever t he machine is t o be lef t unat t ended.
  • Page 24: Operat Ing Saf Ely - You Must Not

    TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 3 Safety Notes and Warnings Operating Safely - You MUST  NOT YOU MUST NOT operat e t he chipper if you are under t he inf luence of any subst ance (drugs, alcohol) which might impair vision, dext erit y or judgement .
  • Page 25: Noise Emissions

    TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Noise Emissions The TW 280FTR (Hybrid) has been t est ed according t o BS EN ISO 3744:2010, as required by Annex III of Direct ive 2000/ 14/ EC “Noise Emission in t he Environment by Equipment f or Use Out doors”.
  • Page 26 TW 280FTR (Hybrid) THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 24/80 C190-0507 - Rev 1.0 EN...
  • Page 27: Operating Instructions

    TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Operating Instructions WARNING DO NOT USE OR ATTEMPT TO START THE CHIPPER WITHOUT THE PROTECTIVE GUARDING SECURELY IN PLACE. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN PERSONAL INJURY OR LOSS OF LIFE. Manual Controls Manual cont rols are locat ed on t he f eed t ray, where t hey are easily accessible by t he operat or during chipping.
  • Page 28: No Stress Control

    Wit h t he 'No St ress' funct ion in operat ion, t he rollers may begin t o t urn again wit hout any warning. Emergency Stopping In an emergency, t he TW 280FTR (Hybrid) can be st opped using t he f ollowing met hod(s): Red Safet y Bar Pushing on t he Red Saf et y Bar will immediat ely st op t he f eed rollers f rom rot at ing.
  • Page 29: Discharge Controls

    4 Operating Instructions TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Top and Side Prot ect ive Devices Pushing any one of t he t op or side Prot ect ive Devices will immediat ely st op t he f eed rollers f rom rot at ing.
  • Page 30: Engine Controls

    TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 4 Operating Instructions Engine Controls On t he TW 280FTR (Hybrid) t he engine cont rols are locat ed on t he cont rol panel, in t he cent re of t he machine, f orward of t he f eed f unnel on t he lef t side (Figure 7).
  • Page 31: Crawler Track Controls

    NEVER LEAVE THE CHIPPER ON A SLOPE UNATTENDED. NEVER TRANSPORT PASSENGERS ON THE DRIVER'S PLATFORM. The TW 280FTR (Hybrid) is designed t o operat e in eit her Chipping Mode or Tracking Mode. It cannot operat e in bot h modes at t he same t ime.
  • Page 32: Tracking Mode

  • Page 33: Tracking Speed

    Speed Select or The TW 280FTR (Hybrid) can operat e cont inuously at a 20 degree incline, and up t o a maximum of 10 minut es at a 30 degree incline.
  • Page 34: Checks Before Starting

    Figure 13 - Cont rol Panel Controlling the Engine Speed To enable chipping on t he TW 280FTR (Hybrid) f ast speed must be select ed. Press t he f ast speed (hare) but t on (Figure 14, It em 1)
  • Page 35: In-Feed And Safety Tests

    4 Operating Instructions TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 4.10 In-feed and Safety Tests Before st art ing t o chip, it is essent ial t hat t he In-feed and Prot ect ive Devices are confirmed t o be working. Failure of eit her safet y circuit could prevent t he in-feed rollers from being st opped in an emergency, result ing in serious injury or deat h.
  • Page 36 TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 4 Operating Instructions and t he engine should cont inue t o run. • Check t hat t he but t on operat es correct ly and cleanly. 11. Reset t he Prot ect ive Device by t urning it t o release.
  • Page 37: Chipping

    4 Operating Instructions TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 4.11 Chipping When all t he saf et y checks have been complet ed and t he engine is running at f ull speed, chipping can be st art ed. Press and release t he GREEN Forward Feed Cont rol.
  • Page 38: Stopping The Engine

    TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 4 Operating Instructions 4.13 Stopping the Engine 1. Press t he St op but t on (Figure 19). 2. The machine will ent er a recharge mode f or some seconds. This period will be short er if st opping t he machine f rom f ast speed.
  • Page 39: Blade Wear

    Blade Wear The TW 280FTR (Hybrid) has t wo blades, 158 mm (6 inches) long, hollow ground t o a radius of 75mm, and 100 mm wide when new. A new blade will chip f or up t o 25 hours bef ore requiring sharpening.
  • Page 40: Check Fuel Level And Refuel

    4.18 Winch Operation Where a winch is f act ory f it t ed t o your TW 280FTR (Hybrid), it is int ended t o be used f or recovery purposes only. Always f ollow t he winch manuf act urer's inst ruct ion manual, provided wit h your machine.
  • Page 41: Troubleshooting

    4 Operating Instructions TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 4.19 Troubleshooting Caut ion - Always ensure appropriat e Problem Cause Solut ion PPE is worn Obst ruct ed Clear debris f rom discharge Ensure machine is of f and keys discharge chut e.
  • Page 42: Fault Codes

    Fault Codes If a f ault occurs on t he TW 280FTR (Hybrid) one of t he MIL will f lash in a set sequence. Use t he relevant Fault Code Table t o det ermine t he correct course of act ion or connect to the machine via the IQAN Go app and use the fault log to see any faults present - this can be reset by holding the reset button for 5 seconds.
  • Page 43 4 Operating Instructions TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Flash Fault Name Fault Descript ion Operat or Act ion Pat t ern Slow Engine St op Swit ch Engine St op Swit ch on Top Bonnet has Reset Engine St op Flash Act ivat ed...
  • Page 44 TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 4 Operating Instructions Flash Fault Name Fault Descript ion Operat or Act ion Pat t ern CCU has det ect ed an openload (no Fast Discharge Resist or connect ion) on Discharge Resist or Cont act Dealer...
  • Page 45: Hybrid Fault Codes

    4 Operating Instructions TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Flash Fault Name Fault Descript ion Operat or Act ion Pat t ern CCU has det ect ed an openload (no Fast Glow Plug Relay connect ion) on Glowplug Relay Out put Cont act Dealer...
  • Page 46: All Fault Lamps Lit

    TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 4 Operating Instructions Flash Fault Name Fault Descript ion Operat or Act ion Pat t ern Press Reset but t onEngine may be All – Slow st art ed using 12V syst em f or Hybrid Volt age is t oo low...
  • Page 47: Maintenance Instructions

    Aut horised Timberwolf Ddealers are fully t rained in all aspect s of t ot al service and maint enance of Timberwolf wood chippers. You are st rongly advised t o t ake your chipper t o an aut horised dealer for all but t he most rout ine maint enance and checks.
  • Page 48: Hybrid Safety

    All saf et y requirement s must be st rict ly adhered t o at all t ime. Failure t o do so may result in t he invalidat ion of t he warrant y, damage t o t he TW 280FTR (Hybrid), or personal injury.
  • Page 49: Routine Servicing

    (Refer t o Sect ion 5.1 "Saf e Maintenance" on page 45.) To ensure t hat your TW 280FTR (Hybrid) is always maint ained in good working order, checks should be carried out at t he specif ied int ervals.
  • Page 50: Engine Servicing

    Safe Lifting of the Chipper The lift ing eye on t he TW 280FTR (Hybrid) is only designed t o lift t he machine's weight for loading, unloading, et c. It is NOT designed t o support t he machine during maint enance act ivit ies.
  • Page 51: Battery Safety Information

    5 Maintenance Instructions TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Battery Safety Information Warning Not es and Safet y Regulat ions for Filled Lead-Acid Bat t eries • For saf et y reasons, Explosion hazard First aid wear eye prot ect ion • A highly explosive gas •...
  • Page 52 TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 5 Maintenance Instructions • Af t er f it t ing t he bat t ery t o t he vehicle, remove t he prot ect ive cap f rom t he posit ive t erminal and place it on t he t erminal of t he replaced bat t ery in order t o prevent short circuit s and possible eart hs.
  • Page 53: Check And Replace Fasteners

    Check and Replace Fasteners Timberwolf recommend t hat any nut s or bolt s which are dist urbed during t he course of operat ion or maint enance should be inspect ed by t he operat or f or signs of wear or st ress.
  • Page 54: Change Blades

  • Page 55 14. Fit t he blade t o t he rot or using t he ret aining bolt s, washers and Nyloc nut s. The use of genuine Timberwolf blades and bolt s is recommended (Figure 25). 15. Tight en t he blade bolt s t o t he correct t orque set t ing.
  • Page 56: Adjust Rotor Drive Belt Tension

    TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 5 Maintenance Instructions 5.10 Adjust Rotor Drive Belt Tension There will normally be a rapid drop in t ension during t he run-in period for new belt s. When new belt s are fit t ed, check t he t ension every 2 - 3 hours and adjust unt il t he t ension remains const ant .
  • Page 57: Adjust Hydraulic Pump Drive Belt Tension

    5 Maintenance Instructions TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 5.11 Adjust Hydraulic Pump Drive Belt Tension 1. Remove t he lef t engine bay side panel. 2. Loosen t he M8 hex nut (Figure 27, It em 1) t o t he end of t he t hread.
  • Page 58: V-Belt Tensioning Procedure

    TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 5 Maintenance Instructions 5.12 V-Belt Tensioning Procedure Set t he def lect ion dist ance on t he lower scale of t he t ension gauge so t hat t he underside of t he O-ring equals t he 'h' value given in Figure 28 (f or t he rot or drive belt s) or Figure 29 (f or t he hydraulic pump drive belt ).
  • Page 59 5 Maintenance Instructions TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Table 8 - Hydraulic Pump Belt Pulleys Engine pulley Pump pulley Table 9 - Hydraulic Pump Belt Specif icat ions TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Manuf act urer Gat es Quad Power Type Pit ch Designat ion...
  • Page 60: Change Hydraulic Oil And Filter

    TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 5 Maintenance Instructions 5.13 Change Hydraulic Oil and Filter Use plast ic gloves t o keep oil off skin. Dispose of used oil and filt er in an ecologically sound way. 1. Ensure t he chipper is in a saf e condit ion. (Ref er t o Sect ion 5.1 "Safe Maint enance"...
  • Page 61: Grease The Discharge Tube Mounting Flanges

    5 Maintenance Instructions TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 5.15 Grease the Discharge Tube Mounting Flanges 1. Ensure t he chipper is in a saf e condit ion. (Ref er t o Sect ion 5.1 "Safe Maint enance" on page 45.) 2. Remove t he discharge t ube.
  • Page 62: Grease The Roller Splines And Rotor Bearings

    TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 5 Maintenance Instructions 5.17 Grease the Roller Splines and Rotor Bearings Carry out regularly. In dirt y or dust y condit ions, or during periods of hard work, at least daily. If t he bearings and splines are allowed t o run dry, premat ure wear will occur, result ing in a breakdown and t he need for replacement part s.
  • Page 63: Securing The Chipper For Transport

    Securing the Chipper for Transport Securing t he TW 280FTR (Hybrid) ready for t ransport must be carried out by a compet ent person, t o t he sat isfact ion of t he driver t o ensure compliance wit h all local legislat ion.
  • Page 64: Jacking The Chipper

    Jacking the Chipper The TW 280FTR (Hybrid) is f it t ed wit h a jacking beam, which can be f ixed t o each corner of t he machine t o enable it t o be saf ely raised f or maint enance. A correct ly rat ed jack is supplied wit h t he chipper.
  • Page 65: Track Base Maintenance

    5 Maintenance Instructions TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 5.20 Track Base Maintenance WARNING ALWAYS ENSURE THAT THE CHIPPER IS CORRECTLY AND SAFELY SUPPORTED FOR ANY OPERATIONS THAT REQUIRE IT TO BE RAISED FROM THE GROUND. 1. Ensure t he chipper is correct ly support ed (Ref er t o Sect ion 5.19 "Jacking t he Chipper"...
  • Page 66: Checking The Rubber Tracks

    TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 5 Maintenance Instructions 5.20.2 Checking the Rubber Tracks The st ruct ure of t he rubber t rack is shown in Figure 38. The st eel cables (1) and met al core (2) are embedded in t he rubber.
  • Page 67: Adjusting Track Tension

  • Page 68: Removing The Rubber Tracks

    TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 5 Maintenance Instructions 5.20.4 Removing the Rubber Tracks Removing a rubber t rack from t he base requires a degree of manual force and must only be carried out in a safe working environment t o prevent t he possibilit y of damage t o t he machine or injury t o t he operat or.
  • Page 69 5 Maintenance Instructions TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 4. Move t o t he ot her end of t he t rack base and locat e t he t rack on t he t rack- st ret ching sprocket , ensuring t he links mesh correct ly wit h t he sprocket t eet h.
  • Page 70 TW 280FTR (Hybrid) THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 68/80 C190-0507 - Rev 1.0 EN...
  • Page 71: Electrical System

    6 Electrical System TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Electrical System Fuses and Relays - 12v Fuses and Relays are NOT int erchangeable bet ween t he 12v and 48v Fuse Boxes. The 12v Fuses and Relays are cont ained wit hin t wo Fuse Boxes mount ed above t he CCU.
  • Page 72: Fuses And Relays - 48V

    Bleed Resist or 48v Key Input Hi Side Pre-charge Resist or Bleed Resist or If you have an elect rical issue wit h your TW 280FTR (Hybrid) please cont act your nearest aut horised Timberwolf dealer. 70/80 C190-0507 - Rev 1.0 EN...
  • Page 73: Hydraulic System

    7 Hydraulic System TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Hydraulic System C190-0507 - Rev 1.0 EN 71/80...
  • Page 74 TW 280FTR (Hybrid) THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 72/80 C190-0507 - Rev 1.0 EN...
  • Page 75: Storage

    TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Storage Preparing for Storage 1. For long st orage periods, allow t he f ull recharge process t o complet e when st opping t he machine. 2. Allow t he engine t o cool down complet ely.
  • Page 76: 12-Monthly Storage Checks

    TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 8 Storage 12-Monthly Storage Checks 1. Ref er t o Sect ion 8.4 "6-Mont hly St orage Checks" on page 73, and complet e all t he checks. 2. Inspect t he bearing lubricat ion syst em f or t he presence of wat er. If wat er is det ect ed, f lush out t he bearing housing and re-lubricat e immediat ely.
  • Page 77 • Change t he machinery records t o show t hat t he machine is out of service and discarded. Supply t he machine serial number t o Timberwolf t o close t heir records. C190-0507 - Rev 1.0 EN...
  • Page 78 TW 280FTR (Hybrid) THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 76/80 C190-0507 - Rev 1.0 EN...
  • Page 79 10 Declaration of Conformity TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Declaration of Conformity C190-0507 - Rev 1.0 EN 77/80...
  • Page 80 TW 280FTR (Hybrid) 10 Declaration of Conformity 78/80 C190-0507 - Rev 1.0 EN...
  • Page 81 11 Notes TW 280FTR (Hybrid) Notes C190-0507 - Rev 1.0 EN 79/80...
  • Page 82 C190-0507 - Rev 1.0 EN...

Table of Contents