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Operation - National 128-CLED Instructions Manual

Compound microscopes



1. Place microscope directly in front of you in a manner which permits you to comfortably look into the eyepiece. Note
that the head of microscope rotates 360º, permitting you to operate the microscope from the front or from the back,
whichever is most convenient for you. It also permits convenient sharing of microscope by more than one user, by
simply rotating head, without needing to move entire microscope. Most users will position the microscope with the
arm facing them so that focusing knobs are most convenient to reach.
2. Assure that light is available for illuminating the specimen. Insert microscope plug into matched voltage outlet. Flip
on/off power switch located on base to "ON" position.
3. Rotate coarse focus knobs to move stage down (away) from objective lens as far as possible.
4. Swing movable finger on slide holder outward. Place specimen slide, cover slip facing up, on stage surface against
fixed side of slide holder. Slowly release movable finger until it makes contact with specimen slide.
5. Turn X and Y controls on mechanical stage to center specimen over middle of condenser lens.
6. Rotate iris diaphragm until largest aperture is obtained.
7. Turn the objective turret until the 4x (smallest) objective lens "clicks" into position in the optical path. Note that each
time you change from one objective lens to another you should turn the turret until you hear the "click", which
indicates that the lens is properly indexed in the optical path.
8. While looking through the eyepiece, rotate coarse focusing knobs until specimen comes into focus. If image does not
appear in field of view, move specimen slide slightly until image appears in field of view.
9. Adjust fine focus controls until specimen is in sharp focus.
10. The Iris diaphragm is not to be used to control the brightness of illumination. Iris diaphragms are designed to help
achieve high resolution of specimen and provide contrast in the image. Smaller apertures will deliver higher contrast.
However, closing aperture too much will reduce resolution. Experimentation is the best method of determining the
correct opening of diaphragm. Note that if aperture is not property adjusted, you will observe shadows in the field of
view when looking through the microscope. Some suggested openings for iris diaphragm are:
11. Changing magnification
a. Magnification is changed by rotating objective turret until different objective lens is moved into optical path.
Always turn turret until you hear the "click", indicating that lens is properly indexed. Otherwise, you will not be
able to see anything when looking through the microscope.
b. Standard lenses provided with your microscope are a widefield 10x eyepiece. 4x. 10x, 40x and 100x objectives.
The 40x and 100x objective lens has a special spring retractable mechanism which retracts slightly if front of lens
comes in contact with the specimen slide. See chart below for specifications on objectives.
From fully closed to 1/8 open
1/8 to 1/4 open
1/4 to 1/2 open
1/2 to 3/4 open



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