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National 128-CLED Instructions Manual page 5

Compound microscopes


Din 4X
Din 10X
Din 40X retractable
Din 100x retractable
c. Also note that each objective has a color ring, which permits you to instruct changes in magnification by referring
to an easily observed color rather than to a number.
d. The microscope has been parfocalled at the factory, which allows easy change from one magnification to another,
requiring little or no adjustment of the fine focus knobs.
e. As magnification is increased, the field of view (area of specimen seen through the microscope) will decrease.
That is why it is easier to find the specific area of interest on the specimen by starting with the lowest 4x objective
lens, before increasing magnification with the 10x, 40x or 100x objective lens.
NOTE: Care must be taken when rotating the 40x or 100x objective into place. These lenses have a spring
retractable mechanism which retracts slightly into its housing if the front of the lens strikes the specimen slide.
With fine focus adjustment at mid-range, the rack stop has been adjusted at the factory to assure these lenses will
clear the thickness of a normal specimen slide and cover slip. However, if the rack stop has been improperly
adjusted, or if using a thicker than normal slide or cover slip, moving these lenses too quickly or carelessly could
cause damage to the front lens element or to the slide. When changing to the 100x objective lens on models 129-
CLED & 129B-CLED, remove swing out frosted filter from optical path by swinging out the filter holder with filter.
Removing the frosted filter from the optical path will provide more illumination for this high power lens.
g. Do not let the front lens element come into contact with a wet slide surface, as prolonged contact with any
moisture could damage the lens. If lens is exposed to moisture, promptly wipe with soft tissue to remove
h. In order to obtain maximum resolution of the 100x oil immersion lens, it is necessary to apply immersion oil
between the coverglass of slide and front lens of the objective. Use of a very small amount of immersion oil is
required. All air bubbles must be removed from between lens and slide by gently rotating nosepiece back and
forth. When finished viewing, all parts that come in contact with oil must be cleaned. Failure to do so could
permanently damage the 100x objective lens.
12. Diopter adjustment for dual head models 128-CLED.
These dual head models have a 30 inclined eyepiece to provide comfortable viewing for the primary viewer. They
also have a vertical eyepiece so that a second viewer can observe the image simultaneously. The primary viewer will
have focused the microscope using the coarse and fine focus knobs. To compensate for differences in vision
between primary and second viewer, second viewer may have to adjust image in vertical eyepiece by turning the
knurled diopter adjustment.
13. For model 129B-CLED binocular head only, interpupillary adjustment of viewing head
a. Look through microscope and adjust distance between the two eyepiece tubes by grasping the sliding mounts to
left and right of eyepieces and sliding together or apart.
b. When a full field of view is observed through both tubes, and images blend into one, interpupillary distance is
corrected for your eyes. Check the interpupillary scale and note index reading for future reference, in case other
users will be changing this adjustment from time to time.
c. Adjust the diopter scales, located on each eyepiece tube, to the same numerical value as indicated on the
interpupillary scale. This must be done in order to maintain parfocality of objective lenses. If interpupillary
distance is changed, adjust eyepiece diopters accordingly.
Objective Specification Chart
Color Code
Field of
Magnification with
WF10X eyepiece



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