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Veichi ACH200 Series Manual page 36


Chapter 3 Mechanical and Electrical Installation
3.3.3 System Grounding
Users must ensure that the grounding resistance is less than 4Ω, grounding with 5mm x 50mm
copper row, and will be installed in the foundation channel steel frame under the cable trench, the
main grounding point of the high-voltage system is directly connected to the copper row firmly, the
copper row and then with the base of each cabinet to do safety grounding, the electronic system
signal grounding points converge together and connected to the copper row, as shown in the
following figure:
3.3.4 Main Circuit Wiring
The high-voltage cable connected to the high-voltage AC drive consists of the input 6kV or
10kV power cable, which should be of the corresponding voltage insulation class (7.2kV or 12kV).
Its three phases A, B and C are connected to the corresponding R, S and T terminals of the frequency
converter (some series of input terminals are named L1, L2 and L3). The three phases of the AC
drive's output to the motor are also high-voltage cables of the corresponding specifications, with
terminals named U, V and W, which are directly connected to the motor terminals. The connection
of the high-voltage cables should also be noted:
Phase sequence requirements for both inputs and outputs;
ACH200 Series High Voltage Variable Frequency Speed Control System Operating Manual
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