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ICON Health & Fitness PRO-FORM 635 User Manual page 14


To stop the program temporarily, press the Stop
button. The Time/Segment Time display will begin
to flash. To restart the program, press the Start but-
ton or the Speed
button. To end the program,
press the Stop button, remove the key, and then
reinsert the key.
Follow your progress with the displays.
Refer to step 6 on page 11.
Use the thumb pulse sensor if desired.
See step 7 on page 12.
When the program has ended, remove the key
from the console.
When the program has ended, make sure that
the incline of the treadmill is at the lowest set-
ting. Next, remove the key from the console. Keep
the key in a secure place. Note: If the displays
and various indicators on the console remain
lit after the key is removed, the console is in
the "demo" mode. Refer to page 21 and turn off
the demo mode.
When you are finished using the treadmill, move
the on/off switch near the power cord to the off
position and unplug the power cord.
If you have heart prob-
lems, or if you are over 60 years of age and
have been inactive, do not use the pulse pro-
grams. If you are taking medication regularly,
consult your physician to find whether the
medication will affect your exercise heart rate.
Insert the key fully into the console.
See HOW TO TURN ON THE POWER on page 11.
Put on the chest pulse sensor.
The chest pulse sensor must be worn when a
pulse program is used. See HOW TO USE THE
CHEST PULSE SENSOR on page 8. Note: A
pulse program can be started without a heart rate
reading; however, the speed and/or incline of the
treadmill will automatically decrease if your heart
rate is not detected during the program.
Select one of the pulse programs.
When the key is
inserted, the
manual mode will
be selected and
the manual indi-
cator will light. To
select one of the
pulse programs, press the Mode button repeat-
edly until one of the two pulse program indicators
The profiles on the console show how the target
heart rate will change during the programs. The
numbers beside the profiles show the heart rate
range for the programs. For example, the first pro-
file shows that the treadmill will keep your heart
rate at 65% to 85% of your maximum heart rate
during the first program. (Your maximum heart
rate is estimated by subtracting your age from
220. For example, if you are 25 years old, your
maximum heart rate is 195 beats per minute.)
The LED display will
show a simplified profile
of the program you have
Enter your age.
When a pulse pro-
gram is selected, the
letters "AGE" will ap-
pear in the Calories/
Watts/Pulse display.
You must enter your
age to use a pulse program. If you have not en-
tered your age, press the Incline buttons to enter
your age. Once you have entered your age,
your age will be saved in memory.
Press the Start button or the Speed
button to
start the program.
A moment after the button is pressed, the walking
belt will begin to move. Hold the handrails and
begin walking.
Each pulse program is
Current Segment
divided into twenty-
three, one-minute seg-
ments. One heart rate
setting is programmed
for each segment. The
heart rate setting for
the first segment will
be shown in the flash-
ing Current Segment column of the LED display.
The heart rate settings for the next seven seg-
ments will be shown in the seven columns to the
When only three seconds remain in the first seg-
ment of the program, both the Current Segment
column and the column to the right will flash, a se-
ries of tones will sound, and all heart rate settings
will move one column to the left. The heart rate
setting for the second segment will then be shown
in the flashing Current Segment column and the
speed and/or incline of the treadmill will automati-
cally change to bring your heart rate closer to the
heart rate setting for the second segment.
If your heart rate is not detected during the pro-
gram, the Calories/Watts/Pulse display will be
SHOOTING on page 8.) The speed and/or incline
of the treadmill may also decrease until your heart
rate is detected.
The program will continue until the heart rate set-
ting for the last segment is shown in the Current
Segment column and the Time/Segment Time
display counts down to zero. The walking belt will
then slow to a stop.
Whilst the program is in progress, minor adjust-
ments can be made to the speed or incline of the
treadmill with the Speed or Incline buttons.
However, if you increase the speed, the incline
will automatically decrease; if you decrease the
speed, the incline will increase. If you increase the
incline, the speed will decrease; if you decrease
the incline, the speed will increase. The console
will always attempt to keep your heart rate near
the heart rate setting for the current segment.
Note: When the incline reaches the lowest setting,
the speed cannot be increased any further. When
the incline reaches the highest setting, the speed
cannot be decreased any further.
Pulse programs should not be stopped temporar-
ily and then restarted. However, pulse programs
can be stopped at any time with the Stop button.
To reuse a pulse program, reselect the program
and then restart it at the beginning.
Follow your progress with the displays.
Refer to step 6 on page 11.
When the program has ended, remove the key
from the console.
See step 7 on page 14.



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