Issues, Cause And How To Fix It - Orca UVpro EKB 100 Manual

Disinfection box
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In the event of a tube failure, the electronic ballast switches the tubes off (the ballast)
automatically. This protects the board and the malfunction can be detected by our
monitoring units. Using a replacement tube, you can check which of the tubes is
defective. In the BD 2016 HD, there are mono and duo electronics for operating a tube.
If two tubes are out of operation, the fault may be due to a single tube and the duo
electronics system has switched both tubes off.
Immediately after the
device is switched on, the
residual current circuit
breaker (residual current
circuit breaker) trips.
The unit is turned on, but
the tubes do not light up.
The device is switched on
and the tubes flash briefly,
but do not ignite.
The UVpro tube no longer
ignites and has silver
coatings or blackening in
the region of the helix. The
service life is still below
12,000 h.
orca GmbH
The device has a closed circuit and is
no longer ready for operation
No power supply.
Loss in gas pressure due to fine
cracks in a tube or damage to the
tiller at the radiator base.
The electronic circuit tries to ignite
the tubes, but the process is
terminated because the gas pressure
of a tube is too low.
In case tubes are new, one tube has a
production defect.
With older tubes (> 12,000 operating
hours), the gas composition changes,
ignition can no longer occur.
Frequently switching older tubes on
and off faster than in continuous
operation. At each ignition, particles
are separated from the helix, which
are deposited as an inner lining on
the glass tube. As a rule of thumb,
one hour of service life is calculated
per ignition.
Entkeimungsbox EKB 100
It is possible water has entered
the unit. The power supply must
be interrupted and the device
must be replaced and subjected to
a one-man inspection at the
manufacturer's premises.
Are all connections of the power
supply applied?
Examine the tubes and sockets for
integrity and abnormalities.
If the system ignites with a
replacement tube, the fault is in
the tube.
We will gladly exchange this tube
for you.
The tube life is exceeded, the tube
must be exchanged
The tube life is exceeded, the tube
must be exchanged.
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