The Gsdml File; General Information; Module Description; Module Concept - JUMO variTRON 500 Manual

Automation system
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The GSDML file


General information

The GSDML file of the JUMO field device contains all the information required to provide your PLC en-
gineering system with the PROFINET IO functionality. The file must be imported into the engineering
system so that the field device is available here for project planning. After the import, the field device and
its IO functions can be integrated into the programming of your PLC projects.

Module description


Module concept

The PLC programmer can choose how to put together the IO items that will be transferred via PROF-
INET IO. Up to 19 modules are available for this purpose, which can be placed into slots 1 to 64. In con-
trast to other JUMO IO devices, on the JUMO variTRON 500 no module is permanently integrated in a
particular slot. All available modules are provided as optional extras and can be integrated and posi-
tioned as required. The IO items to be transferred for the individual modules should be considered place-
holders that the PLC programmer needs to fill with the relevant contents (variables).
The finished module configuration can be exported as a CSV file and printed to serve as the basis
for the project planning of the IO controller, as shown below.
4 The GSDML file


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