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Tips And Tricks - Bastl Instruments KASTLE v1.5 Manual


When it is low it generates an 8 step pattern. When it is high
it keeps generating a random pattern and when it is altering
it generates a semi-random pattern. The STEPPED output
is very useful for modulating every parameter in the Kastle
synth or any external device with the I/O port.
14 I/O CV port
The I/O CV port enables you to connect up to 2
modulation/audio/clock signals from Kastle to external gear
or to connect any external signal to modulate the Kastle
synth. The signals are output with a stereo jack and the
patch points L and R connect either to the left or right
channel. To use both channels with a modular synth you
can use stereo to mono splitter adapter or you can just use
one channel (L) with a mono cable connected to the I/O
jack. When connecting external modulation to Kastle,
please note that the signal will be rectified and Kastle will
respond only to signals 0-5V.
Percussive sounds
Connect the LFO PULSE to the LFO RST socket. This
results in SAW waveform at the LFO TRIANGLE output
(because as soon as the TRIANGLE starts rising it receives
the PULSE and therefore goes to the highest point and
starts falling and therefore skips the rising stage). Use the
SAW waveform to modulate any of the oscillator
parameters (or several at once). On top of that, connect the
STEPPED output to the LFO RATE socket. Adjusting the
LFO RATE and the RATE MOD knobs will result in di erent
lengths of SAW modulation signals and therefore di erent

