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Equipment Required - D-D The Aquarium Solution REEF-PRO 900 Installation Instructions Manual


To ensure long term stability of your aquarium once it is
filled, it is of paramount importance that the cabinet and
tank are correctly levelled using the adjustable feet on the
base of the cabinet. This ensures that there is no stress
on the glass and that the doors will hang square.
: Once in position against a wall, the feet in the
centre at the back of the cabinet will be hard to access
and adjust and so it is important that the cabinet is
adjusted around these feet first. The same applies to
any feet that are inaccessible in a corner.

Equipment Required

Spirit level (the longer the better), 12mm spanner,
17mm spanner.
Ensure that the area where the tank is to be installed
is clear so that you have plenty of space for installation
and adjustment. The cabinet should be initially levelled
without the tank or sump installed and we recommend
that you remove the quick release doors for better
access by pressing the lever at the back of each hinge.
When the tank is delivered the feet will normally be
screwed all the way into the cabinet. If this is not the
case, screw the feet fully home to give the greatest
range of adjustment.
Start by establishing if your floor is level by placing the
cabinet roughly in position and checking the level using
the spirit level on the top of the cabinet.
Cabinet is lower at back
If the cabinet leans back towards the wall then it will be
necessary to extend the rear feet first, especially the
centre ones on the larger models as it will not be easy
to adjust them later. Extend the rear centre foot/feet to
be just higher than the outer rear feet so that the tank
is level or leans slightly forward. Lock in position. Adjust
the front centre foot/feet so that the cabinet is level in
the middle front to back. You should be able to slightly
rock the cabinet from side to side as the outer four feet
should not have weight on them.
Now check the level along the length of the cabinet,
you should be able to tip the cabinet so that it is level. If
the outer feet touch the floor before it reaches the level
then you need to go back a step and extend both front
and back centre feet further.
Adjust the four corner feet so that the cabinet is level
along the length at both the front and the back by
extending the feet down. Check the front to back
level at both ends and the middle then make any fine
adjustments as necessary. Check the level in both
planes on the base of the cabinet and that the centre
legs are still touching the floor.
Cabinet is lower at front
If the cabinet is lower at the front it will still be necessary to
ensure that the centre back feet are touching the floor.
Wind out the centre back feet by a few mm to be higher
than the two outer back feet and adjust the front centre



This manual is also suitable for:

Reef-pro 1200Reef-pro 1500s