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9.2 Sequencer

The miniSyn'X has a powerful polyphonic sequencer that can help you to create complex
sequences and incredible special effects.
The first thing to know is that this sequencer is polyphonic. That means that you can
record/play up to 4 voices trigged by different sequences. The TRACK switches allow you to
choose which voices will be recorded or played.
Each of the 4 sequencer lines are monophonic. Sequencer clock can be synced to your Daw
RECORD with the MIDI Keyboard: To record a sequence, simply push the REC button and
then the number of the track you wish to write. You must also select a voice for this track. The
sequencer is now waiting to record the notes you play. Each entered note will be assigned to a
new step. To leave a gap, press NXT button, to make a note that lasts two steps or longer,
press the NXT button while keeping the note pressed.
Legato : It is possible to program "legato" sequence lines : holding down the last note while
you play the next one gives legato phrasing.
Once you have finished writing a sequencer line, push REC again to leave the record mode.
DEL Button : If you made a mistake, the DEL button erase the current step, but in that case,
modify the sequence directly on the sequencer edit panel might be easier and faster (see
PLAY Modes : Press the PLAY button , and the sequencer will automatically play the selected
tracks. To stop the Sequencer playback, just hit the Play button again.
Trig and TUNE : More control : If TRIG is ON, the sequencer will play from the beginning
each time a note is played on the keyboard. It will continue to play until a NOTE OFF event is
received, ie as long as you hold the note. If TUNE is ON, then all the sequences lines will be
transposed according to the lower note played on the keyboard.
FREQ: Set the frequency of the internal sequencer clock
MIDI S. LED: synchronizes the frequency to the
application host tempo
GATE: set the time the sequencer will sustain the
connected envelopes.
TRACKS: select the voices to be recorded or played.
(the voices are always played with the "Lower" layer)
1SHT: When on, this switch allows the one shot mode for
the sequencer, meaning that after trigged, the sequence
will be played only one time.
TRIG: When on, this switch will start the sequencer (in
play mode only) when a note is held. It stops when the
note in released.
TUNE: When on, this switch allows the tuning of the
sequences according to the lowest note played on the
REC: Record the selected track.
NXT: go to the next step
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