Easy Sound Design With The Layers : Smart Load, Random Load, And Load Layer Functions - Xils lab miniSyn'X User Manual

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And finally its almost mandatory when you edit a Double Layer preset with identical sounds in
each layer. This way each change you make affects both layers, and your two layers remain
identical regardless of your edits. Otherwise you would have to switch and edit layers endlessly,
while having to remember, or note, each parameter new value to match it on the other layer.
Please note however that are excluded of the GANG MODE all the switches like : Oscillators,
Filter Types, etc. Only the parameters controlled by Knobs or sliders are affected.
8 Easy Sound Design with the Layers : Smart Load, Random
Load, and Load Layer functions
Before we present you in detail each parameter of each synthesis module in the next section,
let's introduce the new exclusive easy patch creation tools we implemented into the MiniSyn'X.
Note : These functions are only valid to create new Double or Split patches.
SMART LOAD LAYER The Smart Load function uses a bit of AI to allow you to create new
interesting complex and rich sounding patches. Opposite to pure random functions that you can
find on some synthesizers, and that we also incorporated in the MiniStn'X, the Smart Load
function will give you a high percentage of valid and inspiring patches by clicking a single
How it works ? In the DOUBLE MODE, just click on the Smart Load button and it will replace the
selected layer with another one taken from your current library, while the replacement layer
will have a high probability of giving you a usable and inspiring patch.
Just try it a few times on any Double Patch you like and you will see that its rare that
something nice doesn't happen after a few Smart Load attempts. The Smart Load function is
also instantaneous, which adds to its charm, so you can make numerous attempts in a few
RANDOM LOAD LAYER Works in an similar way to Smart Load, except it doesn't use any AI at
all, so it will load a random layer from your library to replace the selected layer. The results are
therefore sometimes very surprising, but surprises will more often be less rewarding than
expected. The Load Random button will be chosen by those who like risks, enjoy extreme
patches collisions, and have a bit of time to loose. Occasionally, it can give identical results to
the Smart Load function. Random Load is also an instantaneous function, which adds to the fun
of using it.
Finally the Load Layer Function will allow you to browse your entire library of presets and
choose any Layer ( Upper or Lower) of any preset to replace the selected Layer.
Load Layer should be preferred by those who know exactly what they want, and wish to marry
for example This_Keys with This_String_Pad. Due to the fact that you have to browse your
library to select the layer you wish to load, Load Layer isn't an instantaneous function. But you
have total control on it.
Note : These functions are only valid to create new Double or Split patches. They are useless
for Single Patches.( But it might be a very good idea to use a Single patch you like, transform it
in a Double patch by clicking on the Double Button, then use Smart Load technology to see
which rabbits come out of the hat )
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