Oscillators Synchronization; Multimode Filter - Xils lab miniSyn'X User Manual

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Square - Pulse

Oscillators synchronization

O2 SYNC: Forces oscillator 2 to start a new cycle whenever oscillator 1 does. This means that
oscillator 2 can only play harmonics of oscillator 1. This is very useful when Oscillator 2 is
modulated with an LFO, an envelope, or used through the glide (see below)
DRIFT: This knob sets the accuracy of the oscillator pitch and the filter frequency cutoff as a
function of time. Turning clockwise makes the oscillators unstable. This is useful for phasing
effect between the two oscillators or to get a more realistic "analog" feeling.

Multimode Filter

The miniSyn'X's filter is an accurate dynamic multimode 4 pole self-oscillating filter.
FREQ: This knob sets the cut-off frequency of the
RES: This knob sets the resonance (or quality
factor) of the filter. When set to the maximum the
filter self oscillates. That means that it outputs a
kind of sine wave even without any audio signal
feeding its input. (I.e. even if both Oscillators are
muted). This knob is sometimes called "emphasis" or
KEYB: set the amount of the keyboard follow Cut
Off modulation. The setting can be positive or
negative, allowing a direct or inverse effect.
AMNT: Set the amount of the filter envelope applied
to the Cut- Off modulation. The setting can be
positive or negative, allowing a direct or inverse
Drive: Set the level of the overdrive emulation
circuit. Turning totally left disables it while turning
totally clockwise gives a strong driving effect.
Depending where this stage is placed, pre or post
filtering you can get a subtle low-end enhancement
or a sort of saturation effect.
[DRV Pre/Post]: Clicking on the label [DRV PRE]
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