Data Capture - EA Technology CableData CDC3 Operating Manual

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3660-MANUL-V01.01.00-CDC3 Operating Manual

Data Capture

Starting Data Capture
With all of the required fields filled in, it is now possible to start the data capture. Press the start button shown
in Figure 35 to start the capture process. Once data capture is started, all of the data entry fields will be locked
and it will not be possible to modify any of the fields until the capture is complete.
Aborting Data Capture
If the data capture process is taking a very long time or needs to be halted for any other reason it is possible
to cancel the data capture at any time. Some stages of the data capture may be skipped to allow progression
to later stages of the capture progress.
It is recommended that if, after 5 minutes on a waveform capture stage, the bar is not showing any signs
of moving then the data capture should be skipped to the next stage using the Skip button. The Skip
button will only be active during waveform capture, as raw data capture cannot be skipped.
During the data capture, the Settings button on the main screen will change to the Cancel button and at some
stages; the Skip button will become active.
Clicking the cancel button will immediately cancel data collection. A message box will ask if the output should
be saved. If the data capture has been halted because of very little activity on the cable, then the Yes button
should be clicked which will save the data. If the data is not needed, then clicking the No button will discard the
data and return to the main screen. The prompt is visible in Figure 37.
If the Yes button has been clicked then the data will be automatically saved into the same directory as the
other captured data files, with the word Cancelled appended to the file name.
Figure 35
Figure 36
Cancel Button Location (once capture has started)
Figure 37
Start Button Location
Cancel Prompt
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