HP xw4100 Hardware Installation
HP xw4100 Hardware Installation

HP xw4100 Hardware Installation

Creative sound blaster audigy 2 zs
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Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS
This document describes the hardware and software installation of the Creative Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS.
For more information, refer to the Installation and Application CD.

Package Contents

■ Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS audio card
■ V adapter cable
■ Straight adapter cable
■ Cable clip
■ Audio connector gasket for digital output

System Requirements

■ HP workstation xw series (except xw3100)
■ Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 1 (SP1) operating system
■ Optical drive

Warranty Information

Any warranty information is superseded by the HP warranty term provided in the warranty document.

Hardware Installation

If the Audigy 2 ZS sound card is integrated with the system, skip to step 12 for software installation.
For additional information on removing hardware from a workstation, refer to the Installation and
Application CD provided with your system.
1. Turn off your computer and unplug the AC power cable.
2. Open the chassis and remove the rear PCI metal bracket where you plan to install the sound card.
3. Install the sound card and secure the brackets.
NOTE: For xw8000 and xw8200 only: The audio card can be installed in any PCI slot, but HP recommends
32-bit PCI slots because they use a 32-bit bus and the card support arm (for the xw8000) provides added
mechanical support and protection against shipping damage.
When the sound card is installed in a 64-bit PCI slot, the entire 64-bits bus runs at only 32-bits 33Mhz mode.
This action can degrade the system performance if another 64-bit PCI device is installed on the same bus.
However, if there is no 32-bit PCI bus available, use PCI slot 3 since it is an isolated 64-bit bus slot.

Quick Start Guide

■ xw8000 card support arm
■ Installation and Application CD
■ Regulatory compliance notices
■ Warranty informatio


Table of Contents
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Summary of Contents for HP xw4100

  • Page 1: Quick Start Guide

    3. Install the sound card and secure the brackets. NOTE: For xw8000 and xw8200 only: The audio card can be installed in any PCI slot, but HP recommends 32-bit PCI slots because they use a 32-bit bus and the card support arm (for the xw8000) provides added mechanical support and protection against shipping damage.
  • Page 2 ❏ the CD audio cable and front I/O cable from the system board for the xw8000. ❏ the CD audio cable and front audio cable from the system board for all other systems. 5. Plug in the front I/O and audio cable to the adapter cable as described below for your system. For the xw8000: If the front I/O cable has a 2x10 large connector, use the V adapter cable.
  • Page 3 Connect the female side of the straight adapter cable to the white sound card header (J1). 6. Connect the CD audio cable to the CD_IN connector of the sound card. The other end should remain connected to the optical disk drive. 7.
  • Page 4 AGP support bracket 10. Close the chassis side cover. 11. Connect the AC power, turn on the computer, and wait for the system to boot. If the new hardware found wizard comes up, click Cancel. 12. Insert the Installation and Application CD into the CD-ROM drive. The installation software starts automatically.
  • Page 5: Digital Output

    Digital Output When using the digital output of the sound card, the audio gasket needs to be installed in all platforms to meet FCC Electro Magnetic Interference limits. 1. Identify the audio gasket. Audio gasket 2. Install the audio gasket on the audio connector. Audio gasket installed on audio connector (the actual audio connector from the speaker might not look exactly the same as the one in picture) 3.
  • Page 6 © 2004 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The HP Invent logo is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 360183-002...
  • Page 7: ク イ ッ ク ス タ ー ト ガ イ ド

    ■ デジ タ ル出力用オーデ ィ オ コ ネ ク タ ガ ス ケ ッ ト シス テム要件 ■ HP Workstation xw シ リ ーズ (xw3100 を除 く ) ■ Microsoft Windows XP SP1 (Service Pack 1) オペレーテ ィ ン グ シ ス テ ム...
  • Page 8 注記 : xw8000 および xw8200 のみ : オーデ ィ オ カー ド はど の PCI ス ロ ッ ト に も 取 り 付け る こ と がで き ます が、 HP では 32 ビ ッ ト PCI ス ロ ッ ト をお勧め し てい ます。 その理由は、 32 ビ ッ ト PCI ス ロ ッ ト は、 32 ビ ッ...
  • Page 9 その他すべてのワー ク ス テーシ ョ ンの場合 : お使いのシ ス テ ム が 2x5 の黒色ヘ ッ ダ コ ネ ク タ の場合、 ス ト レー ト ア ダプ タ ケーブルを使 用 し ます。 以下の図の よ う に、 ケーブルを ス ト レー ト ア ダプ タ に接続 し ます。 ス...
  • Page 10 1 ま たは 2) にあ る 緑色のカー ド サポー ト ブ ラ ケ ッ ト に取 り 付け ます。 Audigy 保持 ク リ ッ プ 9. シ ャ ーシの中に xw8000 カー ド サポー ト ブ ラ ケ ッ ト を取 り 付け ます。 AGP サポー...
  • Page 11 デジ タ ル出力 サ ウ ン ド カー ド のデジ タ ル出力を使用す る 場合、 FCC の電磁波干渉制限を遵守す る ため、 オー デ ィ オ ガ ス ケ ッ ト をすべてのプ ラ ッ ト フ ォーム に取 り 付けてお く 必要があ り ます。 1.
  • Page 12 © 2004 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. The HP Invent logo is a registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. 360183-002...

This manual is also suitable for:

Xw6000Xw8000Xw6200 - workstation - 2 gb ramXw8200 - workstation - 1 gb ram

Table of Contents