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User's Manual



Summary of Contents for Digital Watchdog MEGApix IVA

  • Page 1 User’s Manual...
  • Page 5 Product ccessories rench Camera Cables...
  • Page 6 Part ame able onnector SD ard lot Bezel Alarm n/ ut Audio n/ ut Waterproof cap Plate ook...
  • Page 7: Disassemble The Camera

    Disassemble the camera match the outline. Press the reset button for 5 seconds to return the to the factory default Warning: data . If needed, please, make a note for further installation.
  • Page 8 Disassemble the camera’ for...
  • Page 9 Template Sheet Disassemble the camera’ for mount plate the mount plate.
  • Page 10: Installation

    Installation - Disassemble the camera’ for Template Sheet...
  • Page 11 mount bolts on the ceiling panel.
  • Page 12 Installa Panning 345°...
  • Page 13 Cabling itch to c rough a single cable and begin i ing and recording images instantly. transmission. control the camera. Fol he illustra on belo to connect the camera to a P nabled s itch using...
  • Page 14 Cabling Alarm Audio nput Audio utput carefully. speaker. microphone. DI (+) WHITE DI ( - ) YELLOW DO ( - ) SKY BLUE Alarm nput DO (+) GRAY+DOT Alarm utput Alarm utput It connects to the alarm lights, siren or lamps, and it is and gray+dot line of the larm able.
  • Page 15 Installa emory Card digital devices. insert the SD memory card it’s upside by force. exposed end of the memory card to eject the memory card from the slot. Pressing too hard on the SD card can cause the card to memory card prior to record to cause damage to...
  • Page 16 Network DW IP Finder Go to : and search for ‘IP Finder’ on the quick search bar at the top of the page. The latest IP Finder software will appear in the search results. Click on the link to download the file to your computer.
  • Page 17 Web iewer creen - Basic creen ( efault) Password change is required at initial connection in factory reset state. You can not see the image, and the button is disabled. Change the password with the CHANGE PASSWORD button. After changing the password, you must log in again by pressing the RE-LOGIN button.
  • Page 18 Web iewer creen - Basic creen Web viewer is optimized with 10 or and Firefox. ive iewer menu f HTML5(MJPEG) is ive iewer menu video. Live video display. This is the region for live video stream from the camera. button. pen the page to ideo etwork, vent ystem...
  • Page 19 Setup - Video udio etup Video onfiguration Detail Page - When an item from the menu , you can set the details for the selected item. Video udio [ VIDEO, OSD, ROI, AUDIO, PRIVACY MASK ] Camera [ IMAGE ADJUSTMENT, EXPOSURE, DAY&NIGHT, BACKLIGHT, WHITE BALANCE, IMAGE, VIDEO ] Network [ STATUS, NETWORK SETTING, AUTO IP, ONVIF, UPNP, DDNS, FTP, SMTP, SNMP, RTSP INFORMATION ] Trigger Action...
  • Page 20 Video onfiguration Live ideo hannel H.265 (HEVC) codec with higher bitrate may cause the unstable live streaming or reload the webpage. Codec - Choose the video codec. According to the selected codec, the subcategories can be changed automatically. Description - Input additional description about the selected channel. Max. 30 alphabets are allowed(Including space). For the description, English lphabets, numbers and special characters ( - _ @ .
  • Page 21 Video onfiguration GOP(Group of Pictures) ize - Setup the number of frames (P-frame) which contain only changed information based on basic frame (I-frame). lots of movement, only the number of P-frames is bigger. As a result, video resolution will be low but ‘ ile size’ and it-rate decreased.
  • Page 22 Video onfiguration Bitrate ode - Select the bit rate control scheme of video compression from CBR (Constant Bit Rate) or VBR (Variable Bit Rate). CBR - To guarantee the designated constant bit rate, the quality of video are controlled in this mode. VBR - To guarantee the designated quality, the bit rate of video stream is changed in this mode.
  • Page 23 OSD onfiguration Date / Time - Display the current time. User Text - Output the TEXT entered by the user. Support a maximum of 30 characters. Click ‘Apply’ to make above setting effective.
  • Page 24: Region Of Interest

    Region of Interest onfiguration Region of interest function gives much more efficiency picture quality for indicated area to improve picture qualities of movement scene at the same bandwidth. Stream - Select the tream. Currently it supports only H.264, H.265 (HEVC). The function is not supported in MJPEG codec.
  • Page 25 Audio onfiguration Codec - Select the udio odec. Currently it supports only codec G.711. Volume - Select the udio olume from 0 to 10. Sample Rate - Select the udio ample ate. Currently it supports only 8000 Hz. Click ‘Save’ to make above setting effective.
  • Page 26 Privacy ask onfiguration Use this function to mask areas that you want to hide on screen to protect privacy. Activation - The rivacy mask function can be enable or disable . Area - Select the Area1 ~ Area16 and Set the privacy area. Click ‘Save’...
  • Page 27 Setup - Camera etup mage djustment Sharpness - sharpness to meet your preference. Brightness - brightness Contrast - contrast to meet your preference. Saturation - aturation to meet your preference. Hue - ue to meet your preference. Click ‘Save’ to save the current settings. Click 'Cancel' to return to the previous setting.
  • Page 28 Setup - Camera xposure ettings Auto Exposure - Automatic exposure (AE) automatically sets the aperture or shutter speed, based on the external lighting conditions for the photo. Exposure Level - , the image becomes brighter. AE metering - AE metering mode refers to the way in which a camera determines the exposure. Shutter peed - If this speed is faster, the moving object can be photographed without the ghost effect.
  • Page 29 - Camera ettings ight - Auto: In this mode, the IR cut filter is removed automatically depending on the light condition around. - Day: In this mode, the IR cut filter is applied to the image sensor all the time. sensitivity reduced in condition but the...
  • Page 30 Setup - Camera acklight ettings This is a feature used for problematic light conditions where the contrast from light to dark areas is very high. WDR (Wide Dynamic Range) - The WDR function can be enable or disable . Click ‘Save’ to save the current settings. Click 'Cancel' to return to the previous setting.
  • Page 31: White Balance

    Setup - Camera White Balance Activation - White Balance. White alance ode - Select White Balance depending on the lighting conditions. RGB ain - The R/G/B gain can be set only when the White Balance ode is set to anual. Click ‘Save’...
  • Page 32 Setup - Camera mage nhancement Noise Reduction - 3DNR noise retain good video quality in low light conditions. Mirror - Reverse the video from side to side. Flip - Reverse the video from up to down. Click ‘Save’ to save the current settings. Click 'Cancel' to return to the previous setting.
  • Page 33 Setup - Camera Video nhancement Flicker - Click ‘Save’ to save the current settings. Click 'Cancel' to return to the previous setting. Click 'Default' to settings to the factory defaults.
  • Page 34 Setup - Network etup Network tatus This menu will show information...
  • Page 35 Network ettings c ode If you click the Apply button to update changes, the system will be re-booted. In this case, you have to reconnect the camera using new IP address. IP ddress - from 0 to 255. Subnet ask - Default ateway - the ateway IP ddress.
  • Page 36 Auto IP etting General etting - uto IP ettings. Auto IP ettings nformation - isplays the unique id or uto IP address Click ‘Apply’ to make above setting effective.
  • Page 37 ONVIF ettings Authentication None: Allows access without ONVIF authentication. WS - Usertoken: Allows access with WS-User oken of ONVIF authentication. WS - Usertoken + Digest: Allows access with WS-User oken and Digest of ONVIF authentication. Discovery Mode - Click ‘Apply’ to make above setting effective.
  • Page 38 UPNP ettings General etting - UPNP function can be enable or disable . Friendly ame - Define the friendly name. Support a maximum of 30 characters and special character (/ ~ ! $^ ( ) { } [ ] ; , ) can not be used.
  • Page 39 DDNS ettings DDNS isable - If selected, DDNS service does not work. Public DDNS - is completed by entering ser ame and assword registered n that DDNS site. DDNS Provider Site Address DynDNS No-IP If you setup DDNS properly, the IP address of your camera will be updated automatically whenever IP address is changed or system is rebooted.
  • Page 40 FTP ettings save image FTP needs to be General etting - FTP erver ddress - FTP pload ath - numbers and special characters ( / ~ !@ $ ^ ( ) _ - { } [ ] ; , ) can be used. FTP ort - User ID - Password -...
  • Page 41 SMTP ettings To send image E mail , SMTP needs to be setup. General etting - SMTP function. Mode - Select ecurity mode of SMTP from lain or SSL / TLS. After checking account of your SMTP erver, you may select one. SMTP Server Address - Port - User ID -...
  • Page 42 SNMP ettings SNMPv1/SNMPv2 - Select the SNMPv1/SNMPv2 option and type the names of ead community and rite community. SNMP rap - SNMP trap can be enable or disable . SNMPv3 contains cryptographic security, a higher security level, which allows you to set the Authentication password and the Encryption password.
  • Page 43 RTSP nformation Target tream - Select the stream you want to set. Time out - Set the RTSP time out. RTP Multicast - Click “On” button. Enter accessible RTP ulticast IP, port for video stream control, RTP packet TTL. Click “Apply” button. It is possible to set each RTP ulticast for CH1~3.
  • Page 44 Setup - rigger ction etup Action ules onfiguration Action rules ist - It indicates the custom action rule information added to ction rules list. Click ‘Add’ to add custom action rules. Click ‘Modify' to modify selected item from the action rules list. Click 'Delete' to delete selected item from the action rules list.
  • Page 45 Action ules dd / odify Name - Define name of action rules. (3~15). Action1 ~ Action5 - Select the action to take If the event occurs. Click ‘Save’ to save the current settings. Click 'Cancel' to return to the previous menu.
  • Page 46 Image ransfer onfiguration Pre / ost larm mage - Image ransfer due to event is configured by mage transfer rate and re ost alarm duration. Descriptions Number of mage Pre-alarm uration Define duration of image transfer before an event. Post-alarm uration Define duration of image transfer after an event.
  • Page 47 Relay out onfiguration Relay utput - Select the elay output. The number of relay outputs depends on the camera model. Mode - Select the monostable / bistable for relay mode. Idle tate - Select whether the contact is normally opened or is closed. Duration - Relay out is operated during the setting time.
  • Page 48 Setup - Event Event ules onfiguration Event ules ist - It indicates the custom vent ule information added to vent ules list. Click ‘Add’ to add custom event rules. Click ‘Modify' to modify selected item from the event rules list. Click 'Delete' to delete selected item from the event rules list.
  • Page 49 Setup - Event Event ules onfiguration Name - Define the vent rule name. Event - Rules - Select the action rule defined in the rigger ction- ction rule menu. Click ‘Save’ to save the current settings. Click 'Cancel' to return to the previous setting.
  • Page 50 Setup - Event Motion etection onfiguration Motion Detection - show Event lert con( ) appears if ‘ otion etection’ is activated. Area - Set the motion detected area. Activation - Enable or isable motion detection function. Sensitivity - If igh is selected, will detect very small motion Click ‘Save’...
  • Page 51 Setup - Event etup Temperature Mode - Select Fahrenheit Celsius. Threshold - Temperature - ndicates the current temperature of the IP camera.
  • Page 52 Setup - Event etup Alarm onfiguration Input evice et p - Select input device type from OFF / N.O. / N.C. Operation Ignore this input sensor. The contact is normally open and closed when activated. The contact is normally closed and open when activated.
  • Page 53 Setup - Record etup Record anagement Target tream - Select channel you want to record video. Click ‘Save’ to save the current settings. Recording ist - Display the information about the recording settings. Click ‘Modify’ to modify the selected item in the recording list.
  • Page 54 Setup - Record etup Record nfiguration Enabled - The ecording function can be enable or disable . Storage evice - hows SD Card File ype - Select the recording file type. Currently only MP4 ype. Storage - Select the storage type. SD Card(Disabled) selection is not allowed. - If mode is tart ecording without any...
  • Page 55 Setup - Record etup Recording ist Storage - Select the torage Filter - date / time, event, storage to filter the recorded video. Click 'Refresh' to refresh the records list. Recording ist - Display the information Click ' ay' to view the selected item in list of recorded video. Click ' emove' to delete selected item list.
  • Page 56 Setup - Record etup Recording ideo Recording ideo iewer - Play the recorded video. Recording ideo nformation - Display the information about the recorded video. Click ' eplay' to view the recorded video again. Click ' ack' to return to the previous menu.
  • Page 57 Setup - Record etup Storage onfiguration Display the SD card information mounted from device. When you select the item in torage list, You can set the functions related to the SD card.
  • Page 58 Setup - Record etup Storage onfiguration Storage ize - Total capacity of SD card and the remainder of it are displayed. Auto elete - Select the period for uto delete. The image data stored before period will be deleted automatically. Delete all stored image older than selected time.
  • Page 59 Setup - Security etup IP ddress ilter onfiguration IP ddress ilter - IP filter function IP ilter ype - Select the IP filter type. Filter IP ddress - Display the filtered IP address. IP ddress - Define the IP address you want to apply the IP filter. Click ‘Add’...
  • Page 60 Setup - Security etup RTSP uthentication onfiguration RTSP uthentication - RTSP uthentication can be enable or disable . Click ‘Apply’ to make above setting effective.
  • Page 61 Setup - Security etup IEEE 802.1X onfiguration The feature is needed when connecting the camera to network protected by the IEEE 802.1X. IEEE 802.1x - The IEEE 802.1x feature can be enable or disable . Protocol - MD5: It provides one-way password-based network authentication of the client. - PEAP: It is similar to TTLS in that it does not require a certificate on the client side.
  • Page 62 Setup - Security HTTPS onfiguration HTTPS encrypts session data over SSL or TLS protocols instead of using plain text in socket communications. Certificate - Select an installed certificate. HTTPS connection olicy - Select one of “HTTP”, “HTTPS”, “HTTP and HTTPS” depending on the connected user authority. Click ‘Apply’...
  • Page 63 Setup - Security etup Certificates onfiguration Server/ ient ertificates - It show the installed certificates. Create elf- igned ertificate - A self-signed SSL certificate is an identity certificate signed by its own creator. hey are considered to be less trustworthy. Properties - Shows information about the selected certificate.
  • Page 64 Setup - Security etup Certificates onfiguration Select ile - OK - Cancel - Select le - OK - Cancel -...
  • Page 65 Setup - Security etup SSH - The SSH function can be enable or disable .
  • Page 66 Setup - System etup System nformation System apability information. Device ame - device name.
  • Page 67 Setup - System etup System iagnostics Shows basic hardware functions inspection. Shows SD card, NAND, EEPROM, udio chip and important file system. Warning: If the camera is abnormally terminated, a download button will appear on the diagnostics page to download a file that allows you to check the error information.
  • Page 68 Setup - System etup Firmware pdate Version nformation - It shows the current irmware rsion in the system. Web pdate - Start F pdate - tart update rogress will be displayed. Warning: ake sure to check the ‘Notice’ shown on screen.
  • Page 69 Setup - System etup Firmware pdate FTP erver ddress - FTP erver IP ddress. FTP ort - the FTP erver ort. User ID - User ID to access to the FTP Server. Password - assword to access to the FTP Server. FTP pload Path - Define a path in FTP server English lphabets, numbers and special...
  • Page 70 Setup - System etup Date ime ettings Time one - Choose ime one for camera. lick ‘Apply’ Time ormat - Select the time format yy-mm-dd or mm/dd/yy. Current ate ime - Shows the current date and time setting in the Camera. Synchronize with my computer - Set the date / time using manually - Set the date / time manually.
  • Page 71 Setup - System etup DST ettings Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the practice of setting the clocks forward one hour from standard time during the summer months, and back again in the fall, in order to make better use of natural daylight. General etting - DST function can be enable or disable .
  • Page 72 Setup - System etup Users anagement Users - List all the user accounts for authentication. Add - Register a new user. Enter a new user ID except Admin. Password Enter the user assword. (Check the Password) Retype assword Pas word int Enter the assword hint.
  • Page 73 Setup - System etup System og Filter - Click the ' efresh' button to refresh the log list. System og ist -...
  • Page 74 Setup - System etup Factory eset Reset to the factory defaults - Return the setup to the factory default. All - Reset all Settings to the factory defaults. Except etwork ettings and ser ettings - etwork ser related settings.
  • Page 75 Setup - System etup Restart...
  • Page 76 Setup - System etup System pen ource icense This menu show all ystem pen ource icense in the camera.
  • Page 77 Quick tart of etwork onnection Please follow the steps below to complete Access your IP Camera via the Internet : the initial of the network function. If you use a static IP address assigned by your ISP Please do not power on the IP Camera until instructed. 1) Open Internet Explorer.
  • Page 78 DDNS egistration If you have DYNAMIC IP service from your Internet Service Provider (ISP), you can’t tell the current IP address of the IP Camera. To solve this problem, you have to register to our DDNS service. dynamic addressing. If so, register your IP Video Server on our DDNS website before Even though your IP is not dynamic, you will case, just remember ‘hostname.dyndns.
  • Page 79 Guide to etwork nvironment If prompted for ID and Password, use ‘admin’ for both entries. The default web port number is 80. If port 80 is installation site. You must determine your blocked by the ISP, a value between 1025 ~ 60000 should be used.
  • Page 80 Case A: Dynamic IP + Personal Router [Most SOHO] as follows : Network Type : STATIC (even though you have Dynamic IP from your ISP, use STATIC on the IP Camera) Internet Address : A private IP address such as Camera (Example) You need to assign an IP address to the IP Camera just...
  • Page 81 ase C, D Case C: Case D: Static(Fixed) IP Dynamic IP + DSL/Cable Modem [Dedicated line directly to the IP Camera] [Connected directly to the IP Camera] Camera Camera Cable/xDSL Modem Gateway or Router (ISP Provided) at ISP Phone Line Public Line or CATV Internet...
  • Page 82 Port orwarding After entering the correct TCP/IP settings, you are ready for ‘Port Forwarding’ (Cases A, B). Please record the TCP/IP settings of your IP Camera for future reference. You may need this information to access IP Camera TCP/IP Settings IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway...
  • Page 83 Starting IP amera After forwarding correctly the Web Port, through your router (if applicable), install the IP Camera in a proper location. Locate the serial number located on the label attached to the bottom of the IP Camera, you will need this for DDNS registration.
  • Page 84 Appendix 1. My POWER light is not on? 8. How do I “PING” an IP address? Power is not being supplied to the unit. Please use the 1) Open an MS-DOS (or Command) prompt power supply shipped with the unit and verify that a 2) At the prompt type - “ping”...
  • Page 85 Dimension...
  • Page 86 CAMERA Image ensor Total ixels Field ngle D:39°~109°, H:31°~85°, V:24°~62° Security Plug in GENERAL ight Temperature Auto Weight Other mage rocessing harpness Audio n/ ut Alarm n/ ut 1 / 1 Video utput Video ompression treaming erformance Video itrate H.265( ontrollable frame rate and Bitrate ontrol...

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