General Hazard Statements - Alcatel-Lucent 9962 Hardware Installation

Multi-standard enterprise cell
Table of Contents


Safety and general information

General hazard statements

Provides information on general hazard statements that may arise in the course of your
work, but are not necessarily related to a specific procedure.
This equipment generates high leakage current. This can lead to high voltages with
respect to ground for accessible parts of the installation. Contact with these parts can
cause serious health effects, possibly including death, even hours after the event.
This equipment is only suited for permanent connection. Before connecting the power
supply, establish a grounding connection.
Contact with energized parts can cause serious injury.
At least one other trained person must be in attendance, who can immediately and safely
disconnect the system if necessary.
This second person must be trained in first aid for emergency purposes.
There is a danger of electric shock if the grounding system is inadequate.
You must comply with the grounding requirements for the grounding system.
Contact with energized parts can cause serious injury.
Work on energized equipment is only permitted if you are using insulated connection
terminals, are adequately trained and follow safe work practices.
Alcatel-Lucent 9962 MSEC v1.0
Issue 2.01 September 2015
Electric-shock hazard
Electric-shock hazard
Electric-shock hazard
Electric-shock hazard
General hazard statements


Table of Contents

Table of Contents