Siruba NC008 Instruction Book page 17

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7. 調整時位時,請拆下橡膠塞 (F),鬆開勾針
偏心輪 (G) 的兩個固定螺絲 (H),再鬆開勾
針偏心輪 (G) 的兩個螺絲後 (I),一面確認時
位同步後,請確認螺絲必須鎖緊。( 圖 20)
8. 勾針的退距,是在手輪刻度為 3 的狀態下,
如 ( 圖 18) 所示,當勾針退到後死點,勾針
尖點至針中心距離為 5mm。( 圖 21)
圖 22/Fig 22
9. 調整勾針退距時,請鬆開橡膠 (J),再鬆開勾
針 連 桿 (K) 的 固 定 螺 絲 (L) 後 進 行 調 整, 調
整完後鎖緊螺絲 (L)。( 圖 22)
10. 針高度調整,針在上死點時,針板面與針
尖 距 離 為 10mm, 調 整 時, 請 拆 下 橡 膠 塞
(M),鬆開夾緊桿 (N) 的固定螺絲 (O),上下
移動針棒至定位後鎖緊。( 圖 23)
請確認針落在針孔中心。( 圖 24)
圖 20/Fig 20
7.Remove the rubber plug (F) and loosen
screw (H) (2pcs) and screw (I) (2pcs) in the
looper eccentric (G) to adjust appropriate
Make sure tighten screws (H) again one by
one. (Fig 20)
8.When the needle bar is at the bottom of
its stroke, there should be a distance of
approximately 5mm from the point of the
looper to the center of the needle. (Fig 21)
圖 23/Fig 23
9 . T h e a d j u s t m e n t f o r t h e l o o p e r s e t t i n g
distance is made by removing plug (J) and
loosening screw (L) for the lever (K). After
adjusting, tighten screw (L). (Fig 22)
10.The adjustment needle height,when the
needle bar is at the top of its stroke, there
should be a distance of approximately 10mm
from the top surface of the needle plate
to point of the needle.Adjustment is made
by loosening screw (O) of the needle bar
bracket (N) after removing plug (M). After the
adjustment is made (Fig 23), check to make
sure each needle drops correctly into the
center of each needle drop hole. (Fig 24)
圖 21/Fig 21
圖 24/Fig 24


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