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fantastic furniture Hamilton Lowline Large Manual page 6


Step 3
You will need
2 x Dowels
3 x Cam Bolts
3 x Cam Nuts
Phillips Head
This is how a cam nut works........
The head of the cam
bolt goes into the
open mouth of the
cam nut. You then
turn the cam nut so
it tightens over the
Attach 3 x Cam Bolts (H3) to Rail (P11) by tightening with the Phillips Head Screwdriver. Insert
2 x Dowels (H1) into Bottom Panel (P7) as shown. Insert 3 x Cam Nuts (H4) into Bottom Panel (P7)
as shown. Rotate the cam nuts so the arrow points towards the incoming cam bolts. Attach Rail
(P11) to Bottom Panel (P7) by tightening the Cam Nuts (H4) with the Phillips Head Screwdriver.
Step 4
You will need
2 x Dowels
3 x Cam Nuts
Phillips Head
Insert 2 x Dowels (H1) into Left Side Panel (P2) as shown. Insert 3x Cam Nuts (H4)
into Rail & Bottom Panel (P11&P7) as shown. Rotate the cam nuts so the arrow points
towards the incoming cam bolts. Attach Rail & Bottom Panel (P11&P7) to Left Side
Panels (P2) by tightening the Cam Nuts (H4) with the Phillips Head Screwdriver.
Page 6

