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Automatic Testing; Finishing The Installation; Optional Functions - jablotron OS-300 Installation Manual

Backup outdoor siren


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TAMP - is the output from the tamper
switches (Normally Closed). Connect
these two terminals to the 24 hour
zone input of the control panel.
- is the balanced loop trigger input. It
checks if the End Of Line (E.O.L.)
between INP and GND terminal.
Connect the E.O.L. resistor serial to
N.C. contact (or parallel to N.O. contact) of alarm control panel output relay. The E.O.L.
resistor should be located on the side of the control panel.
- is the input for charging voltage from the control panel. If this terminal has a positive
potential (from +10 to 15VDC) against GND the siren backup battery is recharged.
The dropping of this terminal's voltage causes the siren to activate.
- is the input to RESET flashing light timer. Flash light is reset when RES terminal is
disconnected from GND (raising edge). Use ARM control panel output (connected to
GND when armed) or an external NC push button switch.

Optional functions

There are three jumpers on the printed circuit board (Figure above shows their location) to
select OS-300 (305) optional functions:
JP1 - trigger delay. Leaving JP1 installed allows the siren to start without the delay.
Removing jumper JP1 invokes a trigger timer that waits 15 seconds to activate the
siren when alarm condition.
JP2 - flash timer. Leaving JP2 installed resets the light flash automatically 1 minute after
alarm condition finished. Removing jumper JP2 allows the light flash for more 60
minutes after alarm condition finished (can also be reset manually by RES input).
JP3 - siren function. Leaving JP3 installed means full function of the siren (if +U voltage
drooped = siren works for 1 minute; if INP loop unbalanced = siren traces this condition
duration (max. 1 minute); if both triggers triggered simultaneously = siren works 1
minute, 10 seconds pause and then it sounds for next 5 minutes). Removing jumper
JP3 allows two wire simplified connection (only +U trigger). In this case the siren is
triggered by a drop of voltage on BS input and traces duration of the alarm (max. 6
OS-300 / OS-305
- 2 -

Automatic testing

The OS-300 (305) performs an automatic testing of hardware, software and inputs. Positive
results of the tests are confirmed by a LED which is installed in the flash light cover (a flash
every 30 seconds). If the LED doesn't work, the siren should be checked. We ______ to é
check conditions of the back up battery over 4 years.

Finishing the installation

When wiring is complete, recheck the connections. Even if you do not use the balanced loop
trigger, the INP terminal must be connected to GND via 10 kOhm resistor. Install the backup
battery and internal cover and front cover.
The following conditions are necessary for the OS-300 (305) to be ready:
connected backup battery (charged)
power supply on +U input terminal (positive voltage from +10 to +15 V DC)
balanced loop trigger input INP connected via 10 kOhm resistor to GND
After about 15 seconds from the moment when all the above three conditions are valid the
OS-300 (305) will make 3 beeps and 3 flashes. From this moment the siren is ready to work.
OS-300 / OS-305
- 3 -



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