Pwr; Mon; Send Functions - Ten-Tec ORION II Manual

Table of Contents


(17) PWR

This button is used for setting RF power
output on ORION. Press the PWR button
then turn the MULTI knob to adjust value
from 1 to 100. The value set from 1 to 100
will roughly correspond to power output in
watts but this will vary a few watts
depending on band and load impedance.
ALC control is present from 5 to 100 watts
output - no ALC control below 5 watts
although power output can be dropped
below that level.
The PWR button also interacts with the
TUNE button (40) for key down power
output for tuning an antenna tuner or linear
amplifier. See the description of TUNE
(button 40) later in this section.
If the low level drive transverter output has
been activated in the menu system, a low
level RF output of approximately +15 dBm
(35 mW) will be sent through the XVRT RF
jack. This output power value ALC
controlled and is adjustable from +5 to +15
dBm (3.5 to 35 mW) by using the PWR and
MULTI control when the transverter output is
activated in the menus.

(18) MON

ORION II is equipped with a transmit audio
monitor to allow the operator to hear actual
transmitted audio. TX EQ, speech
processing, TX bandwidth, LF rolloff all have
an effect on the sound of the transmitted
SSB signal, and to properly adjust these
controls for no distortion and desired sound,
use the monitor.
566 manual
Part #74410
Printed in USA
Press the MON button. The volume of
monitor level is expressed as a value from 1
to 100% of available. Monitor is available
through either headphones or via the
The MON function is also usable in FSK
mode for monitoring of transmitted tones.
(19) SP
SP has two different functions depending on
which mode the operator has selected. In
SSB modes, the SP control is used for
speech processing. In LSB or USB mode,
press the SP button to turn the speech
processor on and off. When on, use the
MULTI knob to adjust from a value of 1 to 9.
Higher values represent more processing.
Please note on the highest settings of 8 and
9 that it is relatively easy to send the radio
into SSB transmit distortion depending on
where the mic gain and other TX controls
are set! Use the monitor function to listen to
your transmitted audio.
The SP button is used for keyer speed
control in CW modes. Press the SP button
when in LCW or UCW mode to activate the
CW keyer. Speed control is 10 to 50 WPM.


ORION II is equipped with three CW
memories and three voice memories.
ORION II will retain three on each mode, for
a total of six. An asterisk (*) appears on the
ORION II screen just to the right of each
button when a SEND memory has been
To record a message in a voice mode in
SEND 1 or SEND 2: Press and hold the
appropriate button. A submenu titled
will appear at the bottom of the screen.
There are five options: EXIT, RECORD,
PLAY, DELETE and SAVE. The five
buttons below these options (numbers 22
through 26) are used for these functions.
To RECORD a message, depress the PTT
button on your microphone. (You will not be
transmitting on the air when the DIGITAL
shown on screen). Press RECORD (button
Version 4 – October 2006


Table of Contents

Table of Contents