Remote; Serial Data - Ten-Tec ORION II Manual

Table of Contents


transmitting. In CW modes, the behavior of
the ORION II when pin 3 is closed to ground
is dependent on the setting of the menu item
PTT in CW as in the CW MENU. See the
description of this item in Chapter 3.
This pin can be used for connection of a
footswitch for SSB operation, or for
accepting CW from an external keyer or
computer generated output (like the CW
keying output from popular contest logging
software), or for PTT control of the radio in
CW modes.
Pin 4 is line level audio output. Which
receiver(s) are output to here and the level
of audio sent to the jack are controlled by
the Line Out Src and Line Out Level
commands in the Other menu.
Pin 5 and Pin 6 have no connection.
Pin 7 is the FSK mark/space input. 5 volts =
1 = mark, 0 volts = 0 = space. See FSK
OPERATION section in Chapter 4.
Pin 8 has no connection.


The REMOTE jack is used for connection of
the model 302R accessory remote
encoder/keypad, allowing armchair tuning
and control of transceiver functions.


The serial data connector is used for both
loading Flash-ROM updates into the
transceiver and for computer control of
radio. One of the great features about
ORION is that the latest version of the radio
is always available from our firmware update
Complete computer control of the ORION is
possible via the SERIAL DATA connector.
A programmers reference guide and the
latest version of the radio firmware are
located on Ten-Tec's firmware update site at
Brief instructions on firmware updating your
transceiver are provided in Chapter 4.
566 manual
Part #74410
Printed in USA
Version 4 – October 2006


Table of Contents

Table of Contents