Options Menu; Print Results; View Results; Perform Test - Midtronics MDX-300 Series Instruction Manual

Battery & elecrical system tester for 12-volt automotive starting batteries and starting/charging systems
Table of Contents



Options Menu

To select the following options, press and hold the MENU button. Use
the UP or DOWN ARROW button to scroll to an option and press
ENTER to select.

Print Results

Select this option to print the results of the last test you performed on the
battery, starter and charging system. To power the tester, connect the tes-
ter to a 12-volt battery with over 9 volts of power.
IMPORTANT: Remember to print the results before you start a new test.
The previous results are overwritten by the new test results.
For information on changing the printer paper and troubleshooting, see
pages 15 and 16.

View Results

Select this option to view the last performed battery, starter and charging
system test.

Perform Test

Select this option to perform a battery test without first connecting to a
√ If you are unable to find the source of the noise,
fully charge the battery and retest. If the message
appears after recharging, test the battery out of
the vehicle.
A battery that is weak, or that has just been
charged, may retain enough electrical activity to
for the tester to detect and will adversely affect
the test results. A fully charged battery should sta-
bilize quickly, after which the tester will automati-
cally retest. Weak batteries should be charged
and retested. If the battery is fully charged, check
the clamp connections.
The clamps are not making good contact with the
battery terminals.
Rock the clamps back and forth. If there message
reappears clean the terminals and reconnect the
MDX-300 Series


Table of Contents

Table of Contents