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KDK F-M15E2 Operating And Installation Instructions page 8


Pemeriksaan Selepas Pemasangan / Check Point After Installation /
Nat / Nut /
Cemat Baji /
Cotter Pin /
Pastikan Cermat Baji
dibengkokkan. /
Make sure that the Cotter Pins are bent. /
Tanggalkan Skru Wayar Keselamatan (dengan Sesendal) dari Paip.
Remove the Safety Wire Screw (with Washer) from the Pipe.
Lilit Wayar Keselamatan pada cangkuk siling dan skru ke Paip menggunakan Skru Wayar Keselamatan (dengan
Sesendal) yang ditanggalkan pada Langkah A) 4 halaman 8.
Loop the Safety Wire to the ceiling hook and screw to the Pipe by using Safety Wire Screw (with Washer) which was
removed in step A) 4 page 8.
Wayar Keselamatan mesti dipasang dengan
betul dan sentiasa terpasang.
Boleh mengakibatkan kecederaan jika Kipas
Siling terjatuh.
Safety Wire must be fi xed correctly and
connected at all times.
Can cause injury if Ceiling Fan drops.
Walaupun cangkuk siling jenis " U" digunakan, kaedah pemasangan masih
In case ceiling hook type "U" is being used, installation method is the same.
" U"
Pemeriksaan Selepas Pemasangan / Check Point After Installation /
Cangkuk siling /
Ceiling hook /
Skru Wayar
Safety Wire Screw /
1. Pastikan semua Nat diketatkan dan Cermat Baji dimasukkan dan dibengkokkan.
Make sure all Nuts are fi rmly tightened and the Cotter Pins inserted and bent.
Bolt /
Bolt /
1. Kipas Siling dipasang dalam keadaan selamat pada cangkuk siling. /
The Ceiling Fan is securely fi xed onto the ceiling hook. /
Wayar Keselamatan /
Safety Wire /
2. Wayar Keselamatan dililit pada cangkuk siling dan diskru pada Paip. /
The Safety Wire is looped to the ceiling hook and securely screwed
to the Pipe. /
A) 4
Skru Wayar Keselamatan (dengan Sesendal) /
Tandakan / Check /
Cangkuk siling /
Ceiling hook /
Skru Wayar Keselamatan
(dengan Sesendal) /
Safety Wire Screw (with Washer) /
Safety Wire Screw (with Washer) /
Cangkuk siling jenis " U" /
Ceiling hook type "U" /
Tandakan / Check /

