Plotter; Configuring The Electronic Charts - Marine Sea Scan Manual

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Sea Scan® Survey Software Manual Plotter

Draw Boat Icon: If checked, will draw the boat and towfish icons on the plotter.
Draw Swath: If checked, will draw the red and green swath lines on the plotter.
Coverage History: An edit box that allows the user to specify how far back in time to see the
coverage. The time is in HH:MM:SS format. The default coverage history time is 10 minutes.
Survey software will be trying to maintain updates on the display, so keep the coverage
history small while scanning.
Electronic Chart Background: Turns the digital chart capability on or off. If the charts are
available, the user can choose between Standard Electronic Charts (ENC) or Premium ENC Charts.
Configure: Opens another window which lets the user configure the charts for use.
Chart Configuration
USENC folder for your chart database. To select charts for use with Sea Scan
ENC chart downloader web site:
Once there, choose the particular set of charts you would like to use.
The Plotter Settings Window
The longer the time that you set for coverage, the busier the Sea Scan
Sea Scan
Survey uses two separate charting folders:
1. USENC for the unlicensed/free S-57 charts
2. LSENC folder for the licensed/purchased S-57 ENC charts.
The details on chart management for each chart type are listed below.
Unlicensed/Free (NOAA USA Coast Line) S-57 charts
To use the unlicensed/free S-57 charts in Sea Scan
install the <Install Sea Scan Survey USA Charts.exe> installation package.
This will create a base chart database, add the World Vector Shoreline
(WVS) data, and optionally install precompiled National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) USA coastline charts. If you install the
NOAA USA coastline charts using the installer and do not need to update,
remove, or change the charts, then you do not have to do anything else.
To update or remove charts from the database, Sea Scan
The Plotter settings page lets the user make
changes that directly affect the Plotter
Range: Lets the user adjust the range of the
plotter's segments.
Draw Latitude/Longitude Grid: If checked,
will draw the latitude and longitude grid lines.
Draw Latitude/Longitude Labels: If checked,
will draw the latitude and longitude labels.
© 2013 Marine Sonic Technology, Ltd.
Survey, you must
Survey uses the
Survey, visit NOAA's


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