Quick Start; Start-Up; Programming / Pre-Setting Parameters - OCI BDL800IR Instruction Manual

Leed-auger spectrometers power supplies lock-in amplifier
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5.2 Quick Start



1. Make sure all cables are properly connected (see Chapter 4 for details).
2. Turn the power on. The instrument will probe the connection with the spectrometer
3. Select Instrument Mode: LEED or AES.
4. Set Controller Mode to Operating.
5. Press the Program Selection knob to select a program. Highlight Standard by turn-
ing the knob. Press the Select button to confirm. All values will be updated to what
was previously set.
6. Press the Filament On/Off button to turn the filament current on. The current will
slowly rise until it reaches its pre-set value. To pre-set a value see Section 5.2.2.
7. Press the Screen On/Off button to turn the screen voltage on. The voltage will rise
until it reaches its pre-set value. To pre-set a value see Section 5.2.2.
8. Press the Beam Energy Control knob to turn the beam energy on. The energy will
slowly rise until it reaches its pre-set value. To pre-set a value see Section 5.2.2.
9. To change any of the values ad hoc, select the parameter you wish to change by press-
ing the corresponding button and adjust the value by turning the Setting knob.

Programming / Pre-Setting Parameters

1. Change Controller Mode to Operating.
2. Press the Program Selection knob and select a program you desire to alter—
highlight the program by turning the knob and press Select to confirm.
3. Change Controller Mode to Programming.
4. You have two options:
Save all currently set/displayed values to the selected program by pressing Save.
Select a parameter you wish to change by pressing the corresponding button.
Adjust the value by turning the Setting knob and press Save to confirm the
change. Note that changing filament current or screen voltage requires these to
be turned off.
5. Note that you may update all values of any program using the values of the Standard
program by pressing the Program Selection knob, highlighting Copy Standard To
All and pressing Select.
Chapter 5 Operating Instructions

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