To Start Spraying - Micron Herbidome 350 Instruction Manual

Table of Contents


Before spraying for the first time check the operation of the sprayer using water and a
little detergent only. (see 'BEFORE SPRAYING FOR THE FIRST TIME, page 7)
Switch ON the sprayer by turning the switch end piece clockwise to the ON position.
Listen to the motor to check that it is spinning, then turn ON the liquid flow by turning
the liquid ON/OFF valve.


Start walking immediately spray liquid is emit-
When spraying, the spray head should be
held as close to the ground or the top of the
weed canopy as possible with the shroud at an
angle of approx. 5 degrees to the horizontal.
The leading edge of the fringe fitted to the
shroud should be touching the ground or the top
of the weed canopy. The shroud will be seen to
rotate. It is important to rotate the shroud as
much as possible in order for the inbuilt
Weedswiper to take effect.
At the end of spraying switch OFF the switch
end piece.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents