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Gamry Instruments PCI4/300 Potentiostat/Galvanostat/ZRA Operator's Manual page 48


Appendix C -- Changing PCI4 Settings -- About the "GAMRY5.INI" File
About the "GAMRY5.INI" File
The "GAMRY5.INI" file contain system configuration information. This file is used to:
Store Potentiostat names.
Store auxiliary equipment configurations (multiplexers and temperature controllers).
Authorize use of a specific potentiostat by specific software packages.
Store calibration data for each potentiostat.
Store scaling factors for system D/A and A/D converters.
Store software configuration information.
The "GAMRY5.INI" file is an ASCII file that is divided into sections identified by a section name in square
brackets (e.g. [EIS300]). Each section contains setting for a specific aspect of the system.
You can modify the file using an ASCII editor or a word processor in a non-document mode (a mode with no
formatting codes in the text). The Windows Notepad accessory is a convenient ASCII editor.
The copy of "GAMRY5.INI" actually used by the software must be located in the Windows directory (normally
C:\WINDOWS). The Setup programs provided with Gamry Instruments' software either install "GAMRY5.INI" in
the correct directory or modify an existing file in this location.
A portion of a typical "GAMRY5.INI" file is shown in Figure C-1. Only some of the information required for
PCI4 configuration is shown. A complete "GAMRY5.INI" file is longer than this example.
In Figure C-1, the 1st line is called a section identifier. The name of the section is enclosed in square brackets,
e.g. [Framework5]. The [Framework5] section extends to the next section identifier [PCI4750-12345]. The
[Framework5] section contains configuration information for the Gamry Framework program. This section is
required in all "GAMRY5.INI" files that configure a Gamry Framework System.
"GAMRY5.INI" normally contains potentiostat calibration information (not shown). Each potentiostat's data is in
its section. You do not normally have to edit the calibration data which is automatically created and updated
by the calibration routine built into the software.
The [PCI4yyy-xxxxx] section also contains the AUXDACRES field which you may need to change. See below
for details. In your installation, the "yyy" will be replaced with either "300" or "750" for the model of your
potentiostat. The "xxxxx" will be replaced with your controller board's serial number.



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