2.3 Direct On Line Or Wye Delta Starting - BeaconMedaes VerusLab 4107 9021 88 Installation, Operation And Maintenance Instructions

Lubricated rotary vane laboratory vacuum system
Table of Contents


Main Screen
Proximity Sensor
Power ON Light
Alarm Buzzer
Figure 3A.3 Touchscreen Controls
Check all voltages supplied to the vacuum sys-
tem to ensure they are the required value and
phases needed by the control panel.
Apply power to the system and turn the dis-
connect switches to "ON". Make sure the Pump
Mode on the Unit touchscreens are in the "OFF"
position as shown in Figure 3A.2.
Turn off ALL electrical power to the system us-
ing the disconnect switches. The facility's supply
circuit breaker should also be locked out. Inside
the control cabinet, switch the unit printed cir-
cuit boards from the manual override "OFF " po-
sition to the bottom position, the default "AUTO-
MATIC" mode. Make sure the Pump Mode on the
Unit touchscreens are still in the "OFF" position
(see Figure 3A.2 and 3A.3). See Appendix A for
complete list of Screen Toolbar Descriptions.
Do not allow the vacuum pump to run
Lubricated Rotary Vane Laboratory Vacuum Systems
Unit Screen #1
Figure 3A.4 Unit Screen - Service: Rotation
3A.2.3 Direct On Line or Wye Delta Starting
Check for correct direction of rotation of each
pump by pressing the "ROTATION" button
on touchscreen display (found in the Service
section of the Unit touchscreens) and observing
rotation. See Figure 3A.4.
The Pump Mode for each compressor must
be in the "OFF" Position on the screen for the
Rotation to function. By observing the cooling
fan of the motor, you can determine the rotation
of the pump (see Figure 3A.5). After pressing the
Unit Screen #2
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents