Setup Of Brake Board; Vmax Adjustment; V1 Adjustment - ECD Brake Board Operation Manual

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2.4 Setup of Brake Board

The Brake Board has 6 adjustable parameters which can be adjusted to optimize the operation of
the brake:
Vmax, V1, T1, T2, T3, T4.
Note: The graph show the sequence of operation from when BK SIGNAL is triggered
Figure 5

2.4.1 Vmax Adjustment

Vmax is used to set the maximum AC voltage output (VAC BRAKE) and is expressed as a
percentage value of the input voltage (AC SUPPLY)
Vmax is a code protected user adjustable setting. To adjust this setting, first go to LCK and set
to 6789.
E.g.1. Set to 50% if AC SUPPLY is 240VAC and you require 120VAC at VAC BRAKE.
E.g.2. Set to 100% if AC SUPPLY is 240VAC and you require 240VAC at VAC BRAKE.
The Brake Board is shipped with Vmax set at a default value of 35%. The minimum allowed
setting is 10% and the maximum setting is 100%.
After any adjustments to Vmax, it is recommended that LCK be changed to any value other
than 6789, so as to prevent an accidental vmax parameter change, which may cause an over
voltage supply to the brake coil.

2.4.2 V1 Adjustment

V1 is the holding voltage for the brake coil and is adjustable to a percentage of the input
voltage at the AC SUPPLY terminal; it is also interlocked to the Vmax setting so that it cannot
be set to a higher value than Vmax. The minimum allowed setting is 10% and the maximum
setting is 100% or Vmax whichever is the lesser.
The Brake Board is shipped with V1 set at a default value of 25%.
Once the lift is running this value can be adjusted either up or down to give the desired brake
hold voltage and thus cooling effect.


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