Loop M Ounting; Elev Ator M Ounting (Entry And Ex It) - SpaceraiL Spacewarp Level 2.1 Instruction Manual

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In sta lla tio n o f a lo o p
Ensure the steel balls running sm oothly (fg . 23)
T he diam eter of the outer loop should hav e tw ice
the diam eter of the inner loop
Im portant inform ation for the assem bly of loops
(fg. 24)
Rails hav e to form a circle that rem ains in an
upright position to ensure the steel balls running
sm oothly (fg. 24)
W hen m ounting loops, the secondloop has to be
sm aller than the frst loop to ensure the steel balls
running sm oothly
In sta lla tio n o f e le v a to r (e n try & e x it)
Im portant inform ation for the assem bly of elev ator
entry and ex it (fg. 25)
Steel balls w ill not run correctly if entry and ex it
point in the sam e direction
Pay attention to a proper installation of the entry
and ex it (fg. 26)
Install rails as closely as possible to the entry and
ex it of the elev ator to ensure the steel balls running
sm oothly (fg. 26)
Pay attention to a correct angle of the rails w hen the
steel balls enter the elev ator (fg. 27-1, 27-2, 28)
Make sure the steel balls enter the elev ator slow ly .
O therw ise they w ill rebound and fall off the rails
(fg. 27-1)
Steel balls that enter the elev ator m ay rebound and
thow n back onto the rails after hitting the helix .
Pay particular attention here to the correct seating
of the rails. O therw ise the steel balls w ill stop and
cannot re-enter the elev ator (fg. 27-2)
A t the entry all rails m ust be at right angles to the
elev ator (fg. 28)
Loop diam eter
Please refer to the picture abov e for the correct diam eter of the inner loop
Ex it
Ex it
All rails m ust be at right angles to the elev ator
Assembly of the rails

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