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RBC kits DH108 Swallow Manual page 14


Now mark trailing edge as per plan and cut clear the trailing edge and sand , you can glass or paper it
first , as it is easy to work on , also you can after finishing take out aileron .check disk for pictures.
For a close gap between the wing and fuselage , tape inner panel with thin plastic and fill the edge of
the outer panel with 5min epoxy , sand flush ..
Place also wing fences at position as per drawing. They can be from ply or polycarbonate, we have
them a bit modified in the kit with a few teeth to hold better in the balsa sheet and leading edge, so
you have to make tiny cuts.
Vertical Stabilizer:
Start by laying out all parts as on the drawing , you have to build 2 halves place formers and ribs as per
drawing , cover drawing with plastic, carefully nail down parts.
Sheet the ribs with a piece of 1,5mm balsa
Take off assembly from the drawing and clean up sides etc. , etc. , make the other half of the vert

