Confidentiality And / Or Data Integrity; Physical Security; Replay Attacks; Security Log - Honeywell AS302P Operating Instructions Manual

Single phase smart meter
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27.3. Confidentiality and / or Data Integrity

The Meter is designed, taking all reasonable steps to prevent Unauthorised Physical Access and Unauthorised
Communications (through any of it interfaces) or through its Secure Perimeter that could compromise the Confidentiality
and/or Data Integrity of.
Personal Data:
Historical Consumption (Daily, Weekly, Monthly)
Profile Data (Import kWh, export, kWh, imp kvarh, export kvarh, average RMS voltage)
Daily Consumption (731 Cumulative)
Consumption Data used for Billing:
Billing Data (including PP where applicable)
Daily Reads
Security Credentials
Firmware and Data essential for ensuring its integrity
Random Number Generator, capable of:
Generating Random Number using Monotonic Time of the meter as its seed
Checking that Each Number Generated is different from the Previous Number Generated
Where the Number is the Same as the Previous Number the Meter will discard the number and generate
another number
While the meter undertakes all reasonable steps to ensure data integrity, Honeywell would still recommend the Utility
regularly does a reconsolidation of the data with what might be expected e.g. the cumulative Import kWh increments on
each successive read.

27.4. Physical Security

The Meter maintains a Secure Perimeter, through its Case Design. Where access to the Meter is necessary, a cover is
provided which attaches to the meter using a Traditional Seal. Each area that requires a Cover to be fitted is equipped
with a switch that detects when the cover has been removed. Any detection of such an attempt generates an Event in the
Security Log and sends an Alert to the HAN.
If there is no power attached to the meter only the First Tamper Event is logged.
If an Unauthorised Physical Access is detected and the Meter is configured to do so, the Main Contactor will open and
become locked. The Contactor can then only be closed again by a command from the DCC.

27.5. Replay Attacks

The Meter employs techniques to protect against Replay Attacks, on any communications.

27.6. Security Log

The AS302P has a Security Log to store any Security Related Events (See Section 28), this Log cannot be cleared unless
the Physical Boundary is breached.
It is expected that the Supplier should read the Security Log on regular occasions to ensure there are no unexpected
entries. This should be done frequently enough to ensure the Log is not overwritten.

27.7. Data Retention

All Cumulative Registers and Time of Use Data are saved to memory once every hour.
All Data is retained for the nominal life of the Meter, regardless of a Power Outage.
© Honeywell - M450 001 1D - 23.05.2019
Operating & Maintenance Instructions

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