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G+M Elektronik VA-FMCT-500 Manual page 8

Microphone console


2.4.1. Sending out messages selectively hands-free
3.4.1 Sending out messages selectively hands-free
3.4.1 Sending out messages selectively hands-free
After activating the emergency with the EMERGENCY key (all the keys turn green to indicate general pre-selection), press the
After activating the emergency with the EMERGENCY key (all the keys turn green to indicate general
After activating the emergency with the EMERGENCY key (all the keys turn green to indicate general
buttons corresponding to the required zones. These will remain green to confirm that they have been selected. At this point,
pre-selection), press the buttons corresponding to the required zones. These will remain green to
pre-selection), press the buttons corresponding to the required zones. These will remain green to
press the PTT key and hold it down. The microphone will be activated and it will be possible to send out the announcement
con rm that they have been selected. At this point, press the PTT key and hold it down. The microphone
con rm that they have been selected. At this point, press the PTT key and hold it down. The microphone
hands-free. At the end of the announcement, release the PTT key and press EMERGENCY again to exit the emergency mode.
will be activated and it will be possible to send out the announcement hands-free.
will be activated and it will be possible to send out the announcement hands-free.
At the end of the announcement, release the PTT key and press EMERGENCY again to exit the emergency
At the end of the announcement, release the PTT key and press EMERGENCY again to exit the emergency
2.4.2. Sending out pre-recorded evacuation or alerting messages selectively
After activating the emergency with the EMERGENCY key (all the keys turn green to indicate general pre-selection), press the
buttons corresponding to the required zones. These will remain green to confirm that they have been selected. At this point:
• to send out an evacuation message, press EVAC
• to send out an alert message, press ALERT
It is possible to carry out the procedure described above several times to add more zones both in the ALERT and in the EVAC
modes, keeping in mind that selection of EVAC for a zone has priority over selecting ALERT.
2.4.3. Sending out service messages hands-free
Select the required zones, which will turn green. Press the PTT key and hold it down, waiting for the BUSY LED to turn OFF,
indicating the end of the chime. At this point, the microphone is active and it is possible to send out the announcement
handsfree. To end the announcement, release the PTT key.
2.4.4. Sending out messages selectively using the function keys
It is possible to send out messages or announcements to pre-selected groups of zones using the same procedures and
sequences indicated above, with regard to both emergencies and service broadcasts. To this end, the station has 6 function
keys (F1 to F6). To set the function keys, consult point 3.1, Function key configuration (page 9).
2.5. Resetting emergency messages / Muting the buzzer to acknowledge a failure
The RESE / ACK key (4) has different functions depending on the status of the system:
• RESET function | Resetting messages
While there is an alarm condition in progress or with a station in the emergency condition, keeping the RESET / ACK key
pressed for 2 seconds enables sending out of the messages to be stopped (including those called up by activation of the
control inputs), but keeping in any case the system in a condition of emergency.
• ACK function | Muting of the buzzer to acknowledge a failure
In the presence of failures, press the RESET / ACK key briefly. The buzzer will be muted only on the station, while the LED
referred to the failure under way will remain ON. This function is active in any status of the station (emergency or service). In
the event of a new additional failure, the buzzer will start to sound again. |
Fault condition
Fault condition
Fault condition
Fault condition
or unavailable due to
ampli er failure
Zone set in a "disabled
Zone selected
Page 8 | 12
or unavailable due to
ampli er failure
Zone set in a "disabled
Zone selected
Datasheet 1811.001



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