Download The Preconfigured Database To The Gateway Module - Graco 3A7639A Instructions Manual

Gateway network communication assembly
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Download the Preconfigured Database to the Gateway Module

Graco can supply a preconfigured database as a setup
file for the Gateway, containing parameters which com-
municate between the Gateway and various Graco con-
trol platforms. The file name has a .cd31 extension.
Red Lion Crimson 3.0/3.1 files are downloaded to the
Gateway module using the Link menu. The program-
ming link between the PC and the Gateway module
uses the USB cable. Before downloading, check that the
Communications Port is set to USB, as follows.
. 19 Red Lion Crimson 3.0/3.1 Main Page
2. Using the Link pulldown menu, select Options to
open the Link Options window. Check that the Com-
munications Port is set to USB, and click OK.
. 20: Set Communications Port to USB
Install the Red Lion
NOTE: During programming the Gateway module may
ask for an updated driver. Follow the instructions on the
screen to automatically find and select the drivers.
1. Go to Start>Programs>Graco>Red Lion Crimson
3.0/3.1 and run the program. The Red Lion Crimson
3.0/3.1 main page will appear.
3. Go to File>Open and select the file with the xx.cd31
extension. The file name should appear at the top of
the window once loaded.
4. Download the database using the Link>Update
command. As a shortcut, use the Update symbol on
the toolbar. See F
. 19.
NOTE: Downloading typically takes only a few sec-
onds but may take longer if the software has to
update firmware on the Gateway module.
3.0/3.1 Software


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