Principle Of Operation; Pellet Loading - EdilKamin IDROPELLBOX Installation, Use And Maintenance Manual

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  • ENGLISH, page 22


mall pellet- urning oiler- replace that is a le to heat ater to po er
heating s stems radiators, heated to el rails, under oor heating panels
also ith heat recover in the room here it is installed via the release o
a moderate amount o hot air I .
The uel pellets is trans erred rom the storage hopper A to the com-
ustion cham er B
means o a eed scre
a gear motor D . The pellets are ignited
electrical resistance E) and dra n into the com ustion cham er
a smo e e tractor F . The umes produced during the com ustion pro-
cess are e tracted rom the hearth
the outlet H located on the upper part o the oiler- replace.
The ashes all into the tra
The hearth is made ith an internal steel structure, and is closed in the
t o overlapping doors.
- e ternal glass ceramic door
- an inner door made rom ceramic glass in direct contact ith the re.
The uel tan is located on the ac part o the oiler- replace.
The tan is lled via a special tra
part o the oiler- replace.
The ater in the oiler- replace is heated and sent to the heating s stem
the pump uilt into the oiler- replace.
The oiler- replace has a uilt-in closed e pansion tan and overpressure
relie valve. uel quantit , smo e e traction and com ustion air suppl
and pump operation are all controlled
hich is equipped ith E
stion e cienc and lo emissions.
The an recovers a moderate amount o heat, su cient enough to prevent
umes that are too hot rom escaping the chimne
energ .
The air speed is electronicall modulated on the asis o actual heat reco-
ver needs. or this reason, the an at lo speeds could e o or operate
slo l the s stem o viousl
ecause o this, during the rst e da s o
still clean and not dirt
ith deposits and condensation, the an ma not
s itch on or ma turn ver slo l even at high po ers.
The s noptic panel M
hich allo s managing and vie ing all the
phases o operation is installed under the glass door. The main phases can
also e managed via the remote control.
is a com ustion sa et and control s stem
timal per ormance in all conditions. eonardo® ensures e cellent opera-
tion than s to t o sensors measuring the pressure level in the com ustion
cham er and smo e temperature. The detection o and su sequent optimi-
sation o these t o parameters is continuous in order to correct operation
anomalies in real time.
The eonardo
s stem o ers constant com ustion, automaticall regula-
ting the dra t ased on the characteristics o the chimne
th, shape, diameter, etc.. and environmental conditions
atmospheric pressure, installations at high altitude, etc. . The standards or
installation must e respected.
s stem is also a le to recognise the t pe o pellets and automa-
ticall ad ust the o moment
com ustion.
R , hich is driven
the air that is heated
the same an and e pelled through
hich is to e emptied periodicall .
C that can e opened rom the ront
an electronic control oard
so t are to achieve high com u-
ue, causing a aste o
avours an e change ith ater.
oiler operation hen it is
moment to ensure the required level o


Aconvenient ront dra er allo s ou to load the
pellets in complete com ort, ithout having to
remove the hearth rom its housing, and there ore
in a solute sa et and in compliance ith standards
E 14785.
hich allo s op-
ends, leng-
ind, humidit ,
- 27


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