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Dank Light EZ-Connect DIY Grow Light Kit Assembly Instructions Manual page 15


Series Driver Lighstrip Wiring Instructions
A. When wiring in Series, you will be wiring groups of "3 or 4" lightbars together
depending on which driver you chose.
B. Begin by finding the long set of Red Wires and Black wires.
C. The Red wire will be connected to the + terminal of the outermost lightbars (those
furthest from the middle of the fixture).
D. The Black wire will be connected to the - terminal of the innermost lightbar (those
closest to the middle of the fixture)
E. Now, find the short Black wires. These wires are wired from the - terminal of
outermost lightbar to the + terminal of the next closest lightbar. Repeat this
process until the 3 or 4 lightbars are connected together in Series.
F. When all wires have been connected to your lightstrips, run the Red (+) wire from
the group of lightstrips on either the left or right half of your fixture to a single 2
terminal Wago Solderless Connector and run the Black (-) wire from the same
set of Series Wired lightstrips to another single 2 terminal Wago Solderless
-- Repeat the same steps for the lightstrips from the other half of your fixture.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please reference the Series Driver Wiring Instructions diagram above
to see how the wiring is completed if you are unsure.
With the lightbars all wired, we can now move on to wiring the driver.

